luchris429 / purejaxrl

Really Fast End-to-End Jax RL Implementations

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Different results when running PPO with the same seed multiple times?

Chulabhaya opened this issue · comments

Hey all! I'm trying to track down a seeming reproducibility issue I'm having with the PPO implementation after I added some simple WandB logging. I ran the same code 7 times, and 4 of the times the results are identical. However, 3 of the times the results differ:


Would anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening?

Here's my slightly modified code:

from typing import NamedTuple, Sequence

import distrax
import flax.linen as nn
import gymnax
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import optax
from flax.linen.initializers import constant, orthogonal
from import TrainState
from purejaxrl.wrappers import FlattenObservationWrapper, LogWrapper
import wandb

from jax import config
#config.update("jax_disable_jit", True)

class ActorCritic(nn.Module):
    action_dim: Sequence[int]
    activation: str = "tanh"

    def __call__(self, x):
        if self.activation == "relu":
            activation = nn.relu
            activation = nn.tanh
        actor_mean = nn.Dense(
            64, kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)), bias_init=constant(0.0)
        actor_mean = activation(actor_mean)
        actor_mean = nn.Dense(
            64, kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)), bias_init=constant(0.0)
        actor_mean = activation(actor_mean)
        actor_mean = nn.Dense(
            self.action_dim, kernel_init=orthogonal(0.01), bias_init=constant(0.0)
        pi = distrax.Categorical(logits=actor_mean)

        critic = nn.Dense(
            64, kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)), bias_init=constant(0.0)
        critic = activation(critic)
        critic = nn.Dense(
            64, kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)), bias_init=constant(0.0)
        critic = activation(critic)
        critic = nn.Dense(1, kernel_init=orthogonal(1.0), bias_init=constant(0.0))(

        return pi, jnp.squeeze(critic, axis=-1)

class Transition(NamedTuple):
    done: jnp.ndarray
    action: jnp.ndarray
    value: jnp.ndarray
    reward: jnp.ndarray
    log_prob: jnp.ndarray
    obs: jnp.ndarray
    info: jnp.ndarray

def make_train(config):
    config["NUM_UPDATES"] = (
        config["TOTAL_TIMESTEPS"] // config["NUM_STEPS"] // config["NUM_ENVS"]
    config["MINIBATCH_SIZE"] = (
        config["NUM_ENVS"] * config["NUM_STEPS"] // config["NUM_MINIBATCHES"]
    env, env_params = gymnax.make(config["ENV_NAME"])
    env = FlattenObservationWrapper(env)
    env = LogWrapper(env)

    def linear_schedule(count):
        frac = (
            - (count // (config["NUM_MINIBATCHES"] * config["UPDATE_EPOCHS"]))
            / config["NUM_UPDATES"]
        return config["LR"] * frac

    def train(rng):
        # INIT NETWORK
        network = ActorCritic(
            env.action_space(env_params).n, activation=config["ACTIVATION"]
        rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
        init_x = jnp.zeros(env.observation_space(env_params).shape)
        network_params = network.init(_rng, init_x)
        if config["ANNEAL_LR"]:
            tx = optax.chain(
                optax.adam(learning_rate=linear_schedule, eps=1e-5),
            tx = optax.chain(
                optax.adam(config["LR"], eps=1e-5),
        train_state = TrainState.create(

        # INIT ENV
        rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
        reset_rng = jax.random.split(_rng, config["NUM_ENVS"])
        obsv, env_state = jax.vmap(env.reset, in_axes=(0, None))(reset_rng, env_params)

        # TRAIN LOOP
        def _update_step(runner_state, unused):
            def _env_step(runner_state, unused):
                train_state, time_state, env_state, last_obs, rng = runner_state

                # SELECT ACTION
                rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
                pi, value = network.apply(train_state.params, last_obs)
                action = pi.sample(seed=_rng)
                log_prob = pi.log_prob(action)

                # STEP ENV
                rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
                rng_step = jax.random.split(_rng, config["NUM_ENVS"])
                obsv, env_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(
                    env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None)
                )(rng_step, env_state, action, env_params)
                transition = Transition(
                    done, action, value, reward, log_prob, last_obs, info
                runner_state = (train_state, time_state, env_state, obsv, rng)
                return runner_state, transition

            runner_state, traj_batch = jax.lax.scan(
                _env_step, runner_state, None, config["NUM_STEPS"]

            train_state, time_state, env_state, last_obs, rng = runner_state
            _, last_val = network.apply(train_state.params, last_obs)

            def _calculate_gae(traj_batch, last_val):
                def _get_advantages(gae_and_next_value, transition):
                    gae, next_value = gae_and_next_value
                    done, value, reward = (
                    delta = reward + config["GAMMA"] * next_value * (1 - done) - value
                    gae = (
                        + config["GAMMA"] * config["GAE_LAMBDA"] * (1 - done) * gae
                    return (gae, value), gae

                _, advantages = jax.lax.scan(
                    (jnp.zeros_like(last_val), last_val),
                return advantages, advantages + traj_batch.value

            advantages, targets = _calculate_gae(traj_batch, last_val)

            # UPDATE NETWORK
            def _update_epoch(update_state, unused):
                def _update_minbatch(train_state, batch_info):
                    traj_batch, advantages, targets = batch_info

                    def _loss_fn(params, traj_batch, gae, targets):
                        # RERUN NETWORK
                        pi, value = network.apply(params, traj_batch.obs)
                        log_prob = pi.log_prob(traj_batch.action)

                        # CALCULATE VALUE LOSS
                        value_pred_clipped = traj_batch.value + (
                            value - traj_batch.value
                        ).clip(-config["CLIP_EPS"], config["CLIP_EPS"])
                        value_losses = jnp.square(value - targets)
                        value_losses_clipped = jnp.square(value_pred_clipped - targets)
                        value_loss = (
                            0.5 * jnp.maximum(value_losses, value_losses_clipped).mean()

                        # CALCULATE ACTOR LOSS
                        ratio = jnp.exp(log_prob - traj_batch.log_prob)
                        gae = (gae - gae.mean()) / (gae.std() + 1e-8)
                        loss_actor1 = ratio * gae
                        loss_actor2 = (
                                1.0 - config["CLIP_EPS"],
                                1.0 + config["CLIP_EPS"],
                            * gae
                        loss_actor = -jnp.minimum(loss_actor1, loss_actor2)
                        loss_actor = loss_actor.mean()
                        entropy = pi.entropy().mean()

                        total_loss = (
                            + config["VF_COEF"] * value_loss
                            - config["ENT_COEF"] * entropy
                        return total_loss, (value_loss, loss_actor, entropy)

                    grad_fn = jax.value_and_grad(_loss_fn, has_aux=True)
                    total_loss, grads = grad_fn(
                        train_state.params, traj_batch, advantages, targets
                    train_state = train_state.apply_gradients(grads=grads)
                    return train_state, total_loss

                train_state, traj_batch, advantages, targets, rng = update_state
                rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
                # Batching and Shuffling
                batch_size = config["MINIBATCH_SIZE"] * config["NUM_MINIBATCHES"]
                assert (
                    batch_size == config["NUM_STEPS"] * config["NUM_ENVS"]
                ), "batch size must be equal to number of steps * number of envs"
                permutation = jax.random.permutation(_rng, batch_size)
                batch = (traj_batch, advantages, targets)
                batch = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
                    lambda x: x.reshape((batch_size,) + x.shape[2:]), batch
                shuffled_batch = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
                    lambda x: jnp.take(x, permutation, axis=0), batch
                # Mini-batch Updates
                minibatches = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
                    lambda x: jnp.reshape(
                        x, [config["NUM_MINIBATCHES"], -1] + list(x.shape[1:])
                train_state, total_loss = jax.lax.scan(
                    _update_minbatch, train_state, minibatches
                update_state = (train_state, traj_batch, advantages, targets, rng)
                return update_state, total_loss

            # Updating Training State and Metrics:
            update_state = (train_state, traj_batch, advantages, targets, rng)
            update_state, loss_info = jax.lax.scan(
                _update_epoch, update_state, None, config["UPDATE_EPOCHS"]
            train_state = update_state[0]
            metric =
            rng = update_state[-1]
            time_state["timesteps"] = time_state["timesteps"] + 512
            metric["time"] = time_state["timesteps"]
            metric["loss"] = loss_info

            # Debugging mode
            if config.get("DEBUG"):

                def callback(info):
                    return_values = info["returned_episode_returns"][
                    timesteps = (
                        info["timestep"][info["returned_episode"]] * config["NUM_ENVS"]
                    for t in range(len(timesteps)):
                            f"global step={timesteps[t]}, episodic return={return_values[t]}"
                    data_log = {
                        "losses/value_loss": info["loss"][1][0].mean().item(),
                        "losses/policy_loss": info["loss"][1][1].mean().item(),
                        "losses/entropy": info["loss"][1][2].mean().item(),
                        "losses/total_loss": info["loss"][0].mean().item(),
                    if return_values.size > 0:
                        data_log["misc/episodic_return"] = return_values.mean().item()
                    wandb.log(data_log, step=info["time"])

                jax.debug.callback(callback, metric)

            runner_state = (train_state, time_state, env_state, last_obs, rng)
            return runner_state, metric

        rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
        time_state = {"timesteps": jnp.array(0)}
        runner_state = (train_state, time_state, env_state, obsv, _rng)
        runner_state, metric = jax.lax.scan(
            _update_step, runner_state, None, config["NUM_UPDATES"]
        return {"runner_state": runner_state, "metrics": metric}

    return train

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = {
        "LR": 2.5e-4,
        "NUM_ENVS": 4,
        "NUM_STEPS": 128,
        "TOTAL_TIMESTEPS": 100000,
        "UPDATE_EPOCHS": 4,
        "NUM_MINIBATCHES": 4,
        "GAMMA": 0.99,
        "GAE_LAMBDA": 0.95,
        "CLIP_EPS": 0.2,
        "ENT_COEF": 0.01,
        "VF_COEF": 0.5,
        "MAX_GRAD_NORM": 0.5,
        "ACTIVATION": "tanh",
        "ENV_NAME": "CartPole-v1",
        "ANNEAL_LR": True,
        "DEBUG": True,
    run_name = f"test"
    wandb_id = wandb.util.generate_id()
    run_id = f"{run_name}_{wandb_id}"
    rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(30)
    train_jit = jax.jit(make_train(config))
    out = train_jit(rng)

Interesting! I can take a closer look next week. But first, can you check if the weights are significantly different? I want to rule out asynchronous wandb callbacks.

Interesting! I can take a closer look next week. But first, can you check if the weights are significantly different? I want to rule out asynchronous wandb callbacks.

Hi @luchris429! I appreciate your prompt reply, and thanks again for all your awesome work with this repo. To answer your question, I looked at the weights of the first dense layer for another set of runs and they are in fact different at the point I checked (~50k timesteps in with CartPole-v1). The differences aren't drastic, but comparing weights across runs that are the same, the weights are identical so it's clearly the differing weights leading to the differing results.

What is interesting however is that if you look at both these plots and the plots I posted above, you can see that all runs are identical up to a certain number of timesteps before some diverge while others stay the same.

Here's a plot of the runs, you can see how two have identical returns while the third is different:

Now here's snapshots of part of the weights:
Weight snapshot for two runs that are the same:

Weight snapshot for run that is different:

Mystery solved! Turns out the issue was related to non-determinism that exists by default when training with a GPU. I verified this by training with just CPU for 10 runs, where the results are identical:


I then did GPU training with the following line setting this environment variable: os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = "--xla_gpu_deterministic_ops=true" (ref: google/jax#10674)

10 runs of this are also completely identical:


If I remove this flag, then the GPU training becomes non-deterministic pretty quick:
