luchiniatwork / graal-clj

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graal-clj is a simple wrapper and a collection of tools to make using Graal's Polyglot environment more idiomatic.


As a grumpy, old developer every now and again I just want to use libraries and frameworks that feel comfortable/familiar to me. There are very rare occasions where this might even make some business sense if you have a super stable, super custome library in say Ruby and for some pretty unique reason must consume it from JavaScript.

Graal's Polyglot intends to bridge that gap and make things more portable across languages. In order to scratch my itch I had to navigate its complexities and write tools to make interaction between Clojure's JVM and Polyglot and this is the result.

With graal-clj you can consume and interact with most code, libraries, and frameworks from languages supported by polyglot from the comfort of Clojure.

Getting Started

First and foremost, disclaimer! Graal is pretty solid but still considered to be in experimental graal-clj is also experimental and should not be considered production-ready.


graal-clj depends on Graal's classes but does not carry them as dependencies. The rational is that you can either have your Clojure code running as on top of Graal's VM (highly recommended) or, if you are on another JVM, you can use Graal's Polyglot as a dependency you add to your project.

In both cases, you will need to make sure you have the runtime for the language you intend to use. In the Graal's VM case you will use Graal's gu tool to install runtimes; in the library case you will habe to bring the runtime as an extra dependency like you see below on your deps.edn file. This would give you access to the js runtime.

{:deps {org.graalvm.sdk/graal-sdk       {:mvn/version "22.1.0"}
        org.graalvm.truffle/truffle-api {:mvn/version "22.1.0"}
        org.graalvm.js/js               {:mvn/version "22.1.0"}}}

ATT: the above is not needed if you are using the Graal VM.q

Also make sure to add graal-clj to your deps.edn file or equivalent:

{:deps {net.clojars.luchiniatwork/graal-clj       {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}}

Basic usage

As simple as it gets:

(require '[graal-clj.core :as graal])

(graal/with-context [ctx (graal/create-context "js")]
  (let [f = (graal/eval-parse ctx "js" "(x) => x * 2;")]
    (f 5))) ;; => 10

More details in the sections below.


A context can be initialized with several languages at the same time:

(let [ctx (graal/create-context ["js" "R"])])

The function will error out if the language runtime does not exist in your system.

A context needs to be closed to free up resources at some point:

(let [ctx (graal/create-context ["js" "R"])]
  (graal/close-context ctx)

The with-context macro does the clean up for you for convenience.

create-context also accepts a third parameter which is a map of options sent to the context builder. You can check the defaults by inspecting default-options.

The default context created enables a series of experimental features and is very Javascript-focused. If you want a more control over your context you can use the context-from-builder function. It receives a org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder instance that you need to setup by hand.

Evaluating and Parsing Results

Considering you have a context at ctx, evaluating is as easy as:

(graal/eval ctx "js" "console.log('Hello World from JS');")

The language must be specified because your context may have several languages at the same time. You are basically letting it know which to use.

eval has a one-arg option that receives a source file:

(graal/eval ctx (graal/source "index.js"))

source will try to detect the file's language. If you need to overwrite or side-step the detection process just (graal/source "index.mjs" "js")

eval returns a org.graalvm.polyglot.Value instance which is one of Graal's most foundational units of work and you might need it for advanced operations. graal-clj carries a function value->clj that will convert the returned value into a Clojure data structure:

(graal/value->clj (graal/eval ctx "js" "(x) => x * 2;")) ;;=> [a callable clojure fn]

This is such a common pattern that graal-clj carries a eval-parse function that does exactly that:

(graal/eval-parse ctx "js" "(x) => x * 2;") ;;=> [a callable clojure fn]

value->clj is an expensive and eager recursive function. You should limit yourself to using it just when you really need it. The function is limited to a depth of 10 nested members by default (in practice, it will throw an exception before triggering a stack overflow exception). You can bump this limit up to whatever you need by re-binding *max-parsing-depth*.

Another useful pattern is to use partial if you'll be calling the runtime a few times in your code. Full example:

(graal/with-context [ctx (graal/create-context "js")]
  (let [ev (partial graal/eval-parse ctx "js")
        f1 = (ev "(x) => x * 2;")
        f2 = (ev "(x, y) => x + y;")]
    [(f1 5)
     (f2 2 4)])) ;; => [10 6]

Bindings and Members

To capture thre top-level bindings of a language runtime (i.e. js) within a context (i.t. ctx) use (graal/get-bindings ctx "js"). This will return a top-level value object that may contain members that you can get and or put:

(let [top-level (graal/get-bindings ctx "js")]
  (graal/has-member? top-level "a")       ;; => false
  (graal/put-member top-level "a" 5)
  (graal/has-member? top-level "a")       ;; => true
  (graal/get-member top-level "a")        ;; => 5
  (graal/eval ctx "js" "console.log(a);") ;; => 5

Which is equivalent to:

(let [top-level (graal/get-bindings ctx "js")]
  (graal/has-member? top-level "a")       ;; => false
  (graal/eval ctx "js" "const a = 5")
  (graal/has-member? top-level "a")       ;; => true
  (graal/get-member top-level "a")        ;; => 5
  (graal/eval ctx "js" "console.log(a);") ;; => 5

Deep-nested members can be retrieved with get-members-in by sending a vector as the identifier.

Functions and Callbacks

You can pass Clojure functions to the runtimes either by passing them as parameters (callback style) or by injecting them using put-member (see section above). The only requirement is that you need to wrap it with the proxy-fn function like this contrived example:

(let [mutate-x (graal/eval-parse ctx "js" "var x = 10; (f) => { x = f(x); return x; }")]
  (mutate-x (core/proxy-fn inc))       ;; => 11
  (mutate-x (core/proxy-fn inc))       ;; => 12
  (mutate-x (core/proxy-fn #(+ 3 %)))  ;; => 15

Promises and Async Functions

You can write promises in Clojure and inject them with put-member and proxy-fn:

(graal/put-member (graal/get-bindings ctx "js")
                  (graal/proxy-fn (fn [resolve reject]
                                    (resolve 42))))
(graal/eval "new Promise(myPromise).then(x => { console.log(2 * x); })") ;; => 84

Similarly, you can plug your clojure functions in promise resolutions like this:

(graal/put-member (graal/get-bindings ctx "js")
                  (graal/proxy-fn (fn [v] (* 2 v))))
(graal/eval "Promise.resolve(42).then(myThen);") ;; => 84

JavaScript's async/await is fully supported. Calling an async function is the same as calling any other function (and can be interpreted as a promise - above).

If you want to call a Clojure function as a JavaScript async function with await, you'll need to wrap the Clojure function with the async-fn function. Say you have the following JavaScript function and that myAsync is a Clojure function you will inject via put-member (see respective section):

async function() {
  let x = await myAsync;
  console.log (x);

Then you wrap the clojure function up when putting it like this:

(graal/async-fn (fn [resolve reject]
  (resolve 42)))

Using bundles and Node packages

You can source a bundle created by a bundler such as Webpack as you would any other. Consider a webpack.config.js like this:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  entry: './src/index.js',
  mode: 'production',
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: 'bundle.js',

You would be able to create a dist/bundle.js with $ npx webpack and could easily:

(graal/eval ctx "dist/bundle.js")

By default, graal-clj initializes the context with experimental support ot CommonJS modules. In practice that means you can install Node dependencies in the working folder with $ npm install. The default assumes that node_modules/ is on the current working folder but can also be set with the option js.commonjs-require-cwd:

(graal/create-context "js" {"js.commonjs-require-cwd" "path/to/where/nodepackages/are"})

In order to load a dependency, eval require:

(graal/eval ctx "js" "const _ = require('lodash');")

You can get into the functionality you need by querying and wrapping members. For instance, assuming lodash was bound to _ (above,) we could use its partition function like so:

(let [top-level (graal/get-bindings ctx "js")
      partition (->> ["_" "partition"]
                     (graal/get-member-in top-level)
  (partition (range 10)
             (graal/proxy-fn odd?))) ;; => [[1 3 5 7 9] [0 2 4 6 8]]

The interesting bit about the parition function is that it takes a pred function to decide how to partition and we are sending Clojure's odd? function to do its thing (wrapped by proxy-fn).

Dealing with Node core modules

Graal's JavaScript runtime does not carry Node JS's core modules (such as process, http, fs, etc.) This might make some packages challenging to use if you don't shim those modules in.

Luckly, the JavaScript community is constantly hacking shims and mocks for these modules. A good list can be found here.

Do refer to graal-clj's unit tests for examples.

Running Tests

Tests can be run with $ clojure -X:test for GraalVM or with $ clojure -X:test-with-dep for basic Java VM.

Tests depend on a few JS packages being installed and a webpack bundle being generated. In short, you'll need to:

cd test/js
npm install
npx webpack



Language:Clojure 65.0%Language:JavaScript 21.7%Language:Nix 13.3%