lucasepe / yml2dot

Turn YAML into beautiful Graph

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

feature request: accept a yaml string from stdin

miketheman opened this issue · comments

Learned about this project recently, very cool!

In combining with other unix-style commands, I'd love to be able to pipe in a well-formed YAML file as an input, rather than a file, like so:

cat foo.yaml | yml2dot | dot -Tpng ....

In this example, I have a real yaml file, but I can imagine where I may emit a YAML from some other program to STDOUT, to have another process read it from STDIN.

Hi @miketheman thank you and sorry for the very late response, I have only now seen your issue.

Yes ! This is in my backlog and I'll do it in a few weeks.

No problem, thanks for taking it on!