luca-piccioni / OpenGL.Net

Modern OpenGL bindings for C#.

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Status of .NET Core 3 Support, and offer of help

PhilT opened this issue · comments

Hi there, I'm new to .NET and slightly less new to OpenGL having written a few demos in JavaScript with WebGL. I'm currently learning F# and looking for some bindings that I can use to port the library I've written in JavaScript to F#. I've used C# in a previous life (read 15+ years ago).

I'm looking at targeting .NET Core 3 which will give me the best portability and future proof the library to some extent. So I'm wondering, how this library is doing with regards to .NET Core 3 support and if that even matters?

I wasn't planning on learning C# (except for interop related tasks) but could lend a hand if required on some of the simpler stuff to start with. I'm working on Windows mostly with Vim but could install VS Community Edition if needed. This is not currently my area of expertise but I do have a lot of time that I could spend working on this with some help.

Today I copied the HelloTriangle sample csproj from .NET Core 2.2 and switched it to 3.0 along with OpenGL.Net csproj and OpenGL.CoreUI csproj. Running it gives me a black window. This is possibly related to #144 .

I got an exception which was fixed by adding the OPENGL_NET_EGL_STATIC_INIT=NO env var to Debug properties but I'm not sure if that still means I'll see the triangles or whether I need to do some manual initialisation.