luca-piccioni / OpenGL.Net

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Gl.ShaderBinary causes infinite recursion

GiantBlargg opened this issue · comments

public static void ShaderBinary(int count, uint[] shaders, int binaryformat, object binary, int length)
calls itself, perhaps it should call the other function of the same name:
public static void ShaderBinary(uint[] shaders, int binaryformat, IntPtr binary, int length)

Thank you for finding this, Probably there are others. I won't apply your pull request, because the source code is automatically generated, and the culprit must be found in the source code generator.

Thanks for the quick response.

I like the added convenience that my solution has of not having to specify the count, would it be possible to add a function with the signature ShaderBinary(uint[] shaders, int binaryformat, object binary, int length)