luca-piccioni / OpenGL.Net

Modern OpenGL bindings for C#.

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pragmascript opened this issue · comments


I was trying getting a sample running with OpenGL.Net.CoreProfile. Unfortunately getting CoreProfile from NuGet doesn't seem to work. So I tried building it manually from Source.
OpenGL.Net.dll builds fine also OpenGL.Net.Math.dll however I cannot seem to find a dll for OpenGL Core Profile. Is this dll deprecated?

No, the DLL is not deprecated. It is generated by the post-build script.

Can you be more specific about about "doesn't seem to work"?

Hey, I assume the "BindingGen" post-build script should generate the OpenGL.Net.CoreProfile. But I get

Schweregrad	Code	Beschreibung	Projekt	Pfad	Datei	Zeile	Unterdrückungszustand
Fehler		Der Befehl "E:\Projects\VV3\GUI Test\OpenGL.Net-master\BindingsGen\bin\Release\BindingsGen.exe --assembly "E:\Projects\VV3\GUI Test\OpenGL.Net-master\OpenGL.Net\bin\net461\Release\OpenGL.Net.dll"" wurde mit dem Code 9009 beendet.	OpenGL.Net_net461				

with Code 9009 in the post-build step.
I managed to get it working with NuGet though. So it's not a big problem.

Would be nice to have a .NET Core NuGet package. Currently the OpenGL.CoreProfile package only seems to support .NET Framework and Mono. As .NET Core has matured now, it is usually favored over those two frameworks. Being the compatibility profile can be built and has a package, I assume this is just a matter of configuring a project file and adding the package?

Can you be more specific about about "doesn't seem to work"?

In the project references, there is a warning symbol on the CoreProfile.
When double clicking, it will not show you the contents, instead it gives the error message in quotes.
"This project cannot be viewed in the object browser because it is unavailable or not yet built. Please ensure that the project is available and built."

@LittleRainGames You appears you have both OpenGL.NET and OpenGL.NET.CoreProfile.