lubomir / kobo

A pile of python modules used by Red Hat release engineering to build their tools.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


- pkgset.SimpleRpmWrapper has now checksum_type member
- threads.run_in_threads helper function

Django 1.5 update
Django part of kobo was udpated to be compatible with 1.5 release. Lower
version are no more supported. As a side-effect, only python 2.6+ is
supported by django part.

From same reason there will be no builds of kobo-django package for RHEL 5
and lower as it lacks required python version.

- RemoteUserMiddleware is now used for KrbV authentication
- LimitedRemoreUserMiddleware can be used to authenticate only on entry
- LongnameUser model is used for auth backend. It allows 255 characters long
user names (as they come from KrbV)
- Class-based generic views ExtraListView and ExtraDetailView. object_list
helper stays for compatibility, but it is deprecated now and will be removed
in future.


- State machine implementation - StateEnum, db field, form fields
- Brand new HTML template, media, views, urls and menu
- Menu supports django.root
- Task logs, javascript log watcher, threaded worker stdout logger
- XML-RPC help pages display list of contents
- Kerberos support in CookieTransport
- JSONField to store dicts and lists in database
- Add relative_path() and split_path() functions to shortcuts

file_name attribute renamed to file_path.
file_name is now a property which returns actual file name.

Change file_name to file_path in your code.

Username hack
Username hack is enabled by default now (when kobo.django.auth is used).
It changes username to 255 characters and also overrides validation RE.

On postgresql run: ALTER TABLE auth_user ALTER username TYPE VARCHAR(255);
Sqlite users have to use db_update-0.2.0-0.3.0 script.

Worker FQDN checking
Each worker's name must match it's FQDN now.
This prevents cut&paste configuration errors when tasks end in INTERRUPTED state.

Change worker names to FQDN.
Change related usernames as well.

Changes in kobo.plugins
Removed 'lower_case' attribute.
Plugins are now subclassed when a container is created.
Each plugin now contains 'container' attribute.

Remove 'lower_case' attribute from plugins, do whatever is necessary in 'normalize_name() class method instead.

- Improve PluginContainer inheritance. Also add 'container' attribute to each plugin class obtained from a container instance. (Daniel Mach)
- Plugins are now subclassed when a container is created. (Daniel Mach)

kobo.hub.models.Task refactoring
Field 'traceback' moved to a file (traceback.log).
Field 'result' content dumped to a file (stdout.log), it is supposed to contain actual task result.
Field 'args' changed to JSONField and data is directly available without any conversion.

Run db_update-0.2.0-0.3.0 script.

Configuration handling in kobo.client and kobo.worker
Configuration no longer uses os.environ to get config file path.
ClientCommandContainer, HubProxy and TaskManager constructor has a new mandatory 'conf' argument.

    config_file = os.environ.get("<PROJECT_NAME>_CONFIG_FILE", "/etc/<project_name>.conf")
    conf = kobo.conf.PyConfigParser()
    ... and pass conf to ClientCommandContainer, HubProxy or TaskManager

Configuration passed to tasks
TaskBase constructor has now a mandatory argument 'conf', which is automatically set in TaskManager.

Add 'conf' argument to tasks classes with custom constructor.


A pile of python modules used by Red Hat release engineering to build their tools.

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:Python 95.1%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%