luanshaotong / TrajectoryClustering

Several Trajectory and time series clustering Algorithms. Project features a hashing technique to approximate clustering in linear time, using Distance base hashing for DTW. Includes a variation of TRACLUS algorithm for my research project

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This is a variation of TRACLUS algorithm for my research project

Add stromberglabs libraries to project so that it can run. Stromberglabs libraries are no longer updating.Finding the stromberglabs libraries took me a lot of time. Now you can just use them.

I'm trying to add Starkey Animal dataset support to the peoject and maybe AIS dataset in the fulture.


Several Trajectory and time series clustering Algorithms. Project features a hashing technique to approximate clustering in linear time, using Distance base hashing for DTW. Includes a variation of TRACLUS algorithm for my research project


Language:Java 100.0%