ltzheng / Synapse

[ICLR 2024] Trajectory-as-Exemplar Prompting with Memory for Computer Control

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Does trajectories success?

njucckevin opened this issue · comments

Hi, thanks for the nice work!

I downloaded the trajectories you provided in I found that some of the trajectory may lead to a -1.0 reward. However, the trajectory is marked as success in the filename.
For example, for enter-date task, the trajectory you provided looks like:


However, these steps can not complete the task and result in a -1.0 reward.
Looking forward to your reply, thank!

Thanks. The date format in MiniWoB is related to the system setting. The exemplars here are using the US date format. I guess your operating system is not using en_US.UTF-8 as date format.

That sounds reasonable. So do you know how to set the miniwob environment to the en_US.UTF-8? After clone the code of Synapse, what should I do?

Here is how to set the date format in Ubuntu.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Check current locale settings with the command: locale.
  3. Update the system's locale settings:
    1. Open /etc/default/locale in an editor.
    2. Set LANG to LANG="en_US.UTF-8".
    3. Set LANGUAGE to LANGUAGE="en_US:en".
    4. Save and exit the editor.
  4. Reboot for changes to take effect.