lthms / coq-prelude

General-purpose monad typeclass hierarchy for Coq

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

coq-prelude Build Status

Originally inspired by the Haskell standard library (Prelude), coq-prelude now strives to be a convenient addition to the Coq standard library in order to ease software development (as opposed to theorem proving).

The pretty-printed source tree is available online.

Here are some features provided by this library:

  • Equality typeclass: to be used in place of built-in Leibniz equality
  • Alternative string types: text (unicode text) and bytes (raw list of byte) whose string notations support escape characters such as \n or \t.
  • Monad typeclasses hierarchy, with notations inspired by both the Haskell do-notation and the OCaml monadic operators

Getting Started

Installing From Source

This project uses dune as its build system.

dune build

For convenience purpose, a Makefile is provided, with the default rule being a call to dune build. Hence, one can just type:


One can also generate coq-prelude pretty-printed source tree thanks to make:

make html


General-purpose monad typeclass hierarchy for Coq

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Coq 99.8%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%