ltebean / LTNavigationBar

UINavigationBar Category which allows you to change its appearance dynamically

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iOS 10 Navigation bar is not set to transparent

Pratik948 opened this issue · comments

I am writing code for app with future support so basically i'm looking at all side previous versions, current version, as well as future version which will be iOS 10.

This category works perfect until iOS 9.3.3 but in iOS 10 its not working, i've tested on both iDevice and Simulator

I'm setting clear colour for navigation bar at viewDidLoad as below

[self.navigationController.navigationBar setShadowImage:[UIImage new]]; [self.navigationController.navigationBar lt_setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];

Please someone help me out with this.

I'm sorry for my english, i don't know what language you're using 😜


I have the same question.
I find that the "_NavigationBarBackground" is under the overlay view at iOS 10, but the "_UIBarBackground" is above the overlay view at iOS 9.3.3.
When push to new ViewController , the overlay view is at the front of the navigationbar.
I just set the backgroundColor.


fixed in v2.1.3

thanks for the new version 👍