ltdrdata / ComfyUI-Manager

ComfyUI-Manager is an extension designed to enhance the usability of ComfyUI. It offers management functions to install, remove, disable, and enable various custom nodes of ComfyUI. Furthermore, this extension provides a hub feature and convenience functions to access a wide range of information within ComfyUI.

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I've made a new feature for the for reaching the most frequently used node faster in client-side, but I don't know where should I PR to.

liusida opened this issue · comments

Description of the new feature:



The right-click context menu currently only contains a static list of nodes, which often isn't very helpful. To address this, I've implemented a feature that traces the creation of all nodes. When building the right-click context menu, the top three most frequently created nodes will be listed after the 'Search' section.

This functionality is implemented entirely in JavaScript, with the information stored in localStorage.getItem("nodeSelectionFrequency") as a dictionary.

For the proof of concept, I modified litegraph.core.js, adding about 20 lines of code, and it works well.

However, I've noticed that comfyanonymous/ComfyUI rarely modifies this file; it is only updated when changes are made upstream. The original jagenjo/litegraph.js has not been updated for five months, and it appears they might be planning a feature-less rewrite of the code before adding new features.

Considering this, I am wondering if I should implement this feature in ComfyUI-Manager by using injection to modify the behavior of the original JavaScript functionality.


FYI, I'll attach the code I've added for a proof-of-concept:

// in LGraph.prototype.add:
        // Everytime created a node, update the frequency
        function generateNodeKey(node) {
            let type = node.type;
            let inputs = node.inputs ? => input.type).join(",") : "";
            let outputs = node.outputs ? => output.type).join(",") : "";
            return `${type}|${inputs}|${outputs}`;

        var selectionFrequency = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("nodeSelectionFrequency") || "{}");
        let key = generateNodeKey(node);

        if (!selectionFrequency[key]) {
            selectionFrequency[key] = 0;
        selectionFrequency[key] += 1;
        localStorage.setItem("nodeSelectionFrequency", JSON.stringify(selectionFrequency));
// in LGraphCanvas.prototype.showConnectionMenu:
        function findTopFrequentNodes(isFrom, fromSlotType, topN = 3) {
            var selectionFrequency = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("nodeSelectionFrequency") || "{}");
            let candidates = [];
            for (let key in selectionFrequency) {
                let [type, inputs, outputs] = key.split("|");
                if (isFrom ? inputs.includes(fromSlotType) : outputs.includes(fromSlotType)) {
                    candidates.push({ type: type, frequency: selectionFrequency[key] });
            // Sort candidates by frequency in descending order
            candidates.sort((a, b) => b.frequency - a.frequency);
            // Return the types of the top N candidates
            return candidates.slice(0, topN).map(c => c.type);

		// get defaults nodes for this slottype
		var fromSlotType = slotX.type==LiteGraph.EVENT?"_event_":slotX.type;

        var topFrequentNodes = findTopFrequentNodes(isFrom, fromSlotType, 3);  // Get top 3 frequent nodes
        if (topFrequentNodes.length) {
            topFrequentNodes.forEach(nodeType => {

Nice feature!
I would try to push those to LiteGraph.slot_types_default_out and see if that is enough. ^_^

Regarding this and many other features implementation, I'm currently working on a solution to callbacks that should enable multi extensions to works together allowing to register and return data for the same event without overriding the original (and others) behaviors. Stay tuned.

Nice feature! I would try to push those to LiteGraph.slot_types_default_out and see if that is enough. ^_^

Regarding this and many other features implementation, I'm currently working on a solution to callbacks that should enable multi extensions to works together allowing to register and return data for the same event without overriding the original (and others) behaviors. Stay tuned.

I see. So I probably should be working on this file:

And I think I'll need a callback from the creation of nodes to update the default list, so I should create a static function LGraph.onNodeAdded(node) to get the callback... Let me try it out. Thanks.