lsds / TaLoS

Efficient TLS termination inside Intel SGX enclaves for existing applications

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

/lib directory is not found in the src code

ZirakZaheer opened this issue · comments


Thanks for making your work public. I was trying to compile this but it turns out that
/TaLoS/src/libressl-2.4.1/lib is missing. I am able to compile /TaLoS/src/libressl-2.4.1/crypto folder fine.

Can you please tell if I am doing something right?


The libressl-2.4.1/lib directory is created when running the install target of the Makefile (either Makefile.sgx or Makefile.nosgx in libressl-2.4.1/crypto). In addition to creating the directory it also populates it with symbolic links to the compiled libraries:

mkdir -p ../lib
ln -sfn ../crypto/ ../lib/
ln -sfn ../crypto/ ../lib/
ln -sfn ../crypto/libenclave.a ../lib/libssl.a
ln -sfn ../crypto/libenclave.a ../lib/libcrypto.a

For a quick test you can use the Docker image. You can also follow the steps listed in the Dockerfile file.

Thanks! :)

Can I use this project as an SGX compatible equivalent version of OpenSSL? i.e using the openssl api inside the trusted code?

Yes. TaLoS executes LibreSSL in an enclave, which provides the same interface as OpenSSL. You have access to the LibreSSL functionalities from inside the enclave.