ls- / ls_Toasts

Development repository of ls: Toasts

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

70200.01 errors with transmog appearances

ceylina opened this issue · comments

1x Usage: local sources = C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearanceID)
[C]: in function GetAppearanceSources' ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts-70200.01.lua:2617: in function <ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts.lua:2615> ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts-70200.01.lua:2662: in function ?'
ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts-70200.01.lua:195: in function <ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts.lua:194>

(*temporary) = "Usage: local sources = C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearanceID)"

Another error:

2x ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts-70200.01.lua:2494: Usage: GetProfessionInfo(index)
[C]: in function GetProfessionInfo' ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts-70200.01.lua:2494: in function <ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts.lua:2424> ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts-70200.01.lua:2535: in function ?'
ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts-70200.01.lua:195: in function <ls_Toasts\ls_Toasts.lua:194>

(*temporary) = true

Hmmmm, I defo fixed it.... I guess I forgot to push changes T_T

Oh, I pushed them, but only partially, FML 🔪
