lpsmith / linux-inotify

Haskell binding to inotify.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Example code?

joe9 opened this issue · comments



Could you please add some examples?


Perhaps, though this is will be a very low-priority task for me. There is some public example code in my react-comments repository. What it does is watches for changes to the javascript files that make up the client, and if it sees a change, then it tells the javascript clients to reload themselves.

I have been meaning to create a couple minimal recreations of tail -f, and the utilities in inotify-tools. I have some of this done, though they need to be polished up and added to the repo.

This interface is close enough to the actual C inotify interface that it should be reasonably straightforward to look at inotify example code written in C and translate it to Haskell.

I wouldn't close this, this is definitely an issue. (though admittedly low priority) Pull Requests Welocme! Take care!

@lpsmith #4 based on the sample mentioned above, getting a weird behaviour of duplicated events after the first run though :) any help is appreciated