lovell / farmhash

Node.js implementation of FarmHash, Google's family of high performance hash functions

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browserify farmhash failed with unexpected char

hoogw opened this issue · comments


I try to browserify winnow.js,
But I get error:

I know that farmhash.node have node extension, browserify will failed with .node extension,
I try use browserify -t transform, but not sure how to use it to make it accept .node extension.

Another try is to use webpack, setup loader as node, will accept .node extension, I have not try yet,

Do you think why and what cause the trouble?
Webpack can success?
Browserify can success?

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          ParseError: Unexpected character '�'`

Hi, I can see from your cross-post at koopjs/winnow#134 that you've discovered that this module requires Node.js and is unsuitable for a browser-based runtime.


Ok, got it, thanks, I modify source code, remove all farmhash, alternative use require('string-hash'), it works.