lottie-react-native / lottie-react-native

Lottie wrapper for React Native.

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"TextCompositionLayer.swift" used twice IOS

LPranulis opened this issue · comments

Hello, I have a problem with iOS building.

info :0: error: filename "TextCompositionLayer.swift" used twice: '/Users/XXX/Documents/React-Native/PROJECT/node_modules/lottie-ios/lottie-swift/src/Private/LayerContainers/CompLayers/TextCompositionLayer.swift' and '/Users/XXX/Documents/React-Native/PROJECT/node_modules/lottie-ios/lottie-swift/src/Private/LayerContainers/CompLayers/TextCompositionLayer.swift'

info :0: note: filenames are used to distinguish private declarations with the same name

info Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

Lottie-react-native @ 3.0.3
React-native @ 0.59.8


Problem comes through the installation. No need to write npm i --save lottie-ios@3.0.3 because npm i --save lottie-react-native package has lottie-ios package inside node_modules. Therefore, when you write react-native link lottie-ios it ruins and duplicates everything.

So, the installation must be (for 0.59):

  1. Remove from node_modules / unlink all lottie files;
  2. Write npm i --save lottie-react-native;
  3. Go to project/node_modules/lottie-react-native/node_modules;
  4. Cut lottie-ios folder and paste it into the project node_modules folder near lottie-react-native;
  5. Write
    react-native link lottie-ios && react-native link lottie-react-native

That's it! :)


I'm glad for you :)
What about 0.60> ? There's no react-native link, I just add the packages with yarn, pod istall, and no way to build the project.. so sad.

@brascene are you having any issues? There's no react-native link needed in RN 0.60

@brascene Just try to do all steps, except fifth. React-Native 0.60 has auto-linking.


Thank you guys for quick support, and yeah @emilioicai I have issue that I cannot build iOS project after following simple installation guide:

  1. yarn add lottie-react-native,
  2. yarn add lottie-ios@3.0.3
  3. pod install

There was like kilometer long error like nothing is working xD I've tried to delete pods, and node modules etc. but no progress still. When I run the app from terminal with react-native run-ios command I get that long error, and when I run the app from XCode directly, there're two errors, one of them was fatal error: module map file... etc..
Currently (after deleting and installing again, clearing derived data, pods, and node modules), now I have 100 errors (all complaining about Undefined symbol and many warnings related with Could not find autolinked library).

lottie-ios@ node_module is already inside project's node_modules, so all your steps are covered with above two commands..
I have no idea what happend the first time I added this to my project, now I can't run it even without lottie..

@brascene Not related to auto linking at all but did you try adding a swift file as suggested here? https://stackoverflow.com/a/56176956/3265176


I'll give it a try in a moment


OMG it's working :) #513
This is what magically make it work:

I hope Android won't have similar issue..
Thanks again for very quick support! And thanks for Lottie!


there's something in lottie-ios project under the project.pbxproj file where
on line 639 and line 676 TextCompositionLayer.swift is included twice

EDIT: actually it's being referenced twice all over

EDIT: and is fixed airbnb/lottie-ios@3fd8df1#diff-3145c4e4052f34ea1c3a594af502d418 by this commit with version 3.0.6 I believe


@ganoch Have the same error, and how do i fix this now? :(


@LPranulis i don't have anything inside lottie-react-native's node_modules, it's just an empty folder. Im using RN 0.60.4 and no cocoapods. Any help?


I made it work, it took me so many hours but finally. Had to add some stuff on react-native-lottie

OMG it's working :) #513 This is what magically make it work: $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME)

I hope Android won't have similar issue.. Thanks again for very quick support! And thanks for Lottie!

Where should I add that??