lorenzoranucci / hydra-login-consent-go

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Login and Consent app for Hydra tutorial

This app is a porting of https://github.com/ory/hydra-login-consent-node in Go.


Create a network:

docker network create hydraguide

Create database for Hydra:

docker run \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  --network hydraguide \
  --name ory-hydra-example--postgres \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=hydra \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=hydra \
  -d postgres:9.6
export SECRETS_SYSTEM=$(export LC_CTYPE=C; cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
export DSN=postgres://hydra:secret@ory-hydra-example--postgres:5432/hydra?sslmode=disable
docker pull oryd/hydra:v1.7.4
docker run -it --rm \
  --network hydraguide \
  oryd/hydra:v1.7.4 \
  migrate sql --yes $DSN

Run Hydra (configured to route login and consent to our Login and Consent app):

docker run -d \
  --name ory-hydra-example--hydra \
  --network hydraguide \
  -p 9000:4444 \
  -p 9001:4445 \
  -e DSN=$DSN \
  -e URLS_SELF_ISSUER=https://localhost:9000/ \
  -e URLS_CONSENT=http://localhost:9020/consent \
  -e URLS_LOGIN=http://localhost:9020/login \
  -e SECRETS_SYSTEM=prontopro-jwt-secret \
  oryd/hydra:v1.7.4 serve all

Start Login and Consent app:

eval $(make base-env)
go run cmd/main.go server

Register an example client in Hydra and start it using Hydra demo utilities:

docker run --rm -it \
 -e HYDRA_ADMIN_URL=https://ory-hydra-example--hydra:4445 \
 --network hydraguide \
 oryd/hydra:v1.7.4 \
 clients create --skip-tls-verify \
   --id facebook-photo-backup \
   --secret some-secret \
   --grant-types authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials,implicit \
   --response-types token,code,id_token \
   --scope openid,offline,photos.read \
docker run --rm -it \
 --network hydraguide \
 -p 9010:9010 \
 oryd/hydra:v1.7.4 \
 token user --skip-tls-verify \
   --port 9010 \
   --auth-url https://localhost:9000/oauth2/auth \
   --token-url https://ory-hydra-example--hydra:4444/oauth2/token \
   --client-id facebook-photo-backup \
   --client-secret some-secret \
   --scope openid,offline,photos.read

If you want to play with https://github.com/lorenzoranucci/hydra-client-go client:

docker run --rm -it \
 -e HYDRA_ADMIN_URL=https://ory-hydra-example--hydra:4445 \
 --network hydraguide \
 oryd/hydra:v1.7.4 \
 clients create --skip-tls-verify \
   --id client-frontend.localhost \
   --secret some-secret \
   --grant-types authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials,implicit \
   --response-types token,code,id_token \
   --scope openid,offline \
   --callbacks http://client-frontend.localhost:9011/login-callback
cd ../hydra-client-go
go run ./...



Language:Go 96.7%Language:Makefile 3.3%