lorenzofox3 / Smart-Table

Code source of Smart Table module: a table/grid for Angularjs

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Paginated data updates

bgadiel opened this issue · comments

I have multiple pages collection, where each row has its own checkbox.
I have a one restriction - only single row from the collection can have an active checkbox. So when a user clicks on a checkbox, I have to iterate on all other elements and uncheck them.

<table st-table="List"
           class="table table-striped">

The problem: when I am on Page #1, and I am iterating over 'ListCopy' collection, and then I go to Page #2, I cant see the checkbox being unchecked.

Any ideas?


So many questions and all of them can be answered if you just provide a working example of your problem with plnkr or another site for this kind of stuff.....