lorenzofiamingo / swiftui-cached-async-image

CachedAsyncImage is the simplest way to add cache to your AsyncImage.

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transaction: Transaction(animation: .easeInOut) does not appear to work

recurrence opened this issue · comments

Great job on this! I was having a huge problem with AsyncImage redownloading images in lazy stacks that this lib completely eliminates.

The one difference I noticed is that transaction animations don't appear to work. I had a nice ease animation with AsyncImage that does not trigger when I swap it with CachedAsyncImage. Here's my body

var body: some View { GeometryReader { geo in AsyncImage( url: url, transaction: Transaction(animation: .easeInOut) ) { phase in switch phase { case .empty: Rectangle() .fill(Color.gray1) case let .success(image): image.resizable() .scaledToFill() case .failure: Rectangle() .fill(Color.gray1) @unknown default: EmptyView() } } .frame(width: geo.size.width, height: geo.size.height) .clipped() } } }

well, Github's code view leaves much to be desired lol. Hopefully this is more readable

    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geo in
                url: url,
                transaction: Transaction(animation: .easeInOut)
            ) { phase in
                switch phase {
                case .empty:
                case let .success(image):
                case .failure:
                @unknown default:
            .frame(width: geo.size.width, height: geo.size.height)

Thanks! Checkout the new release. Can you tell me if it works?

Updated to 1.2.0 but it didn't seem to change anything?

Update: I dld a clean build and now it's having an effect. However it appears to be the phase transition instead of the transaction transition (EG: my easeinout renders after the image appears rather than easing into the image).

Actually, I take it back. I just went back and compared with AsyncImage and they're matching (I made a bunch of other changes that changed behaviour in the meantime).

So can confirm that this is now supported. Great job!

Thank you! 🚀