lordpretzel / mu4e-views

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In text mode, it shows ^M

breadncup opened this issue · comments


When I switch the view mode from "html" to "text", in Text view, it shows "^M" at the end of each line.

I don't see the ^M in without mu4e-views package.

Could you check this out, please?

I realized that gnu mode is working good since the mu4e uses gnu article by default and this makes right.

However, I see there is still an update in mu4e-views for gnu view:

--- original-mu4e-views.el	2021-12-08 14:51:57.000000000 -0800
+++ mu4e-views.el	2021-12-08 14:52:17.000000000 -0800
@@ -666,7 +666,8 @@
        (mu4e-message-field msg :path) nil nil nil t)))
   (select-window win)
   (switch-to-buffer gnus-article-buffer t t)
-  (mu4e~view-render-buffer msg))
+  (mu4e~view-render-buffer msg)
+  (mu4e-view-mode))

 (defun mu4e-views-gnus-view-message-before-1.5 (msg win)
   "View message MSG on window WIN using Gnus article mode for mu4e versions before 1.5.x."

So that, the article can use the mu4e-view-mode properly. Otherwise, all keyboard shortcuts would be lost when it is focused.

Also, can you use gnus by default instead of text when the dispatcher is selected, please?


can you let me know what mu4e version and OS you are using? mu4e is only using gnus as the default view in newer versions. I can change the default dispatcher to gnus for newer mu4e versions.

Hi, sorry for the delayed answer. The end of the year makes me really busy.

Here is the information:

mu4e-mu-version is a variable defined in ‘mu4e-meta.el’.
Its value is "1.6.8"
$ sw_vers
ProductName:	macOS
ProductVersion:	12.1
BuildVersion:	21C52

Hope this would be helpful.


no problem. I believe that was a mu4e bug that got resolved in newer versions. If possible can you update to the latest 1.6.x version which I believe is 1.6.10? Let me know whether this does not resolve the issue.