Lopinosaurus / RTCBot

Discord Karuta-Like Private Bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RatioCoin Discord Bot

A simple Karuta-like Discord game bot.
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Table of Contents
  1. Gameplay And Commands
  2. Built With
  3. Contributing
  4. License
  5. Contact

Gameplay And Commands

RTCBot (for RatioCoins Bot) is mostly inspired by Karuta and other "Card Dropping" game bots. The gameplay is simple : you can nine every 30 minutes a fictive currency ("RatioCoin"), to buy some miners to mine faster and more coins (like a tycoon gameplay). When you have enough coins, you can bid on NFTs at the market, which rotate every days. The best bidder on a NFT wins it at midnight, and can trade it with his friend. If you want to add more NFTs, simply add them in nft/ directory (be sure to have the same dimension for every pictures).

Here are all the commands supported by RTCBot :

  • rstart : creates you an account on the bot
  • rinv : shows your inventory
  • rdaily : claims your daily award (between 20 and 45 RTC per day)
  • rnet : shows the miners you can buy
  • rmine : claims the RTC your miners have mined. Cooldown of 30minutes.
  • rmarket : shows the day's NFT market
  • rbid [nft number] [bid in RTC] : bid on the NFT you chose
  • ratio @member [amount in RTC] : direct transaction to an other member
  • rnft [nft name] : shows the nft you typed
  • rlist : list all the available NFTs
  • (indev) rtrade @member [nft name] : allow you to trade your NFT with an other member

When you have rigs miners, you have 1 of 4 chances to loose between 15% and 40% of them (to avoid exponential benefits with rigs). Every day at midnight, the market reset and NFTs are given to bidders if they have enough RTC at the time.

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Built With

This bot is coded in Python, using JSON databases and Discord.py library. Here are all the compenents and languages used to develop RTCBot :

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All libraries installation :

  • Dotenv
    pip install python-dotenv
  • Discord.py
    pip install discord.py
  • PIL
    pip install pillow

Setting up the Bot

  1. Clone the repo.

    git clone git@github.com:Lopinosaurus/RTCBot.git
  2. Create nft/ directory, and put all of your custom pictures in it. It is highly recommended to put all your images in the same dimensions.

  3. Enter your bot's token in .env file.

  4. Change the channel id by the wanted one on line 32 of bot.py file.

  5. Everything is set up ! You can modify what you want in the json for a custom start.

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Documentation :

Functions :

@task.loop async function :

Every minute, this function is checking if it's midnight, so the bot can update the market and do the transactions. If current time is 00h00, the bot create the transaction, give the NFT to the concerned players, and build the image of the new market using PIL library. It also reset the auction house.


  • rstart command : start a new player array in players.json. Initialize all player attribute with default values (0RTC. 0NFT, rdaily possible).
  • rnet command : display miner shop. It is basically an embed constructor.
  • rbuy : Open players.json, localize the player operate. Close the file when operation is done.
  • rinv : Open players.json, localize the player, and display the value in an embed.
  • rdaily : Open players.json, localize the player, verify if he did not run the command today (time.asctime value)
  • rmine : Open players.json, localize the player, find the amount of miners. Add the RTC depending of miners possessed by player. If he has miner rigs, he has 1/4 chance to loose between 15% and 40% of them.
  • rmarket : Display the market in an embed, by opening and reading auction.json.
  • rbid : Open players.json, localize the player, verify if he has enough money. Then open auction.json and refresh the data.
  • rnft : open nft_db.json and search for the nft in args.
  • rlist : open nft_db.json, display all files in an embed.

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If you want to add something or modify the bot, please follow this :

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Discord : Lopinosaurus#0404 - @Lopinosaurus

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Discord Karuta-Like Private Bot


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%