loosolab / TOBIAS

Transcription factor Occupancy prediction By Investigation of ATAC-seq Signal

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"change" field in bindetect_results

amwa opened this issue · comments

Hi, I might have missed this in the documentation somewhere, but what does the "cond1_cond2_change" field represent in the bindetect_results.txt table output by TOBIAS? Is this a subtraction of the mean score for condition 1 vs condition 2, a ratio, a log2 fold change, or something else?

Hi @amwa ,

You can find more information in the supplementary information of the TOBIAS paper, here: https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-020-18035-1/MediaObjects/41467_2020_18035_MOESM1_ESM.pdf

Basically the change score (differential binding score) is an effect size between the observed changes between condition1 and condition2 vs. the background changes:

I hope that helps!