loosi / bareos-1

Docker image for Bareos.

Home Page:https://hub.docker.com/r/barcus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License badge Based OS Based OS Badge amd64 Badge arm64


This package provides images for Bareos :

module build size ubuntu size alpine pull
Director Actions Status Size badge Size badge Docker badge
Storage Daemon Actions Status Size badge Size badge Docker badge
Client/File Daemon Actions Status Size badge Size badge Docker badge
webUI Actions Status Size badge Size badge Docker badge

Images are based on Ubuntu or Alpine, check tags below

👍 Tested with Bareos 16.2, 17.2, 18.2 and 19.2

  • Ubuntu images for Bareos 16 and 17 are based on Xenial
  • Ubuntu images for Bareos 18+ are based on Bionic
  • Alpine images are available for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64/v8 platform


bareos-director (dir)

  • 19-ubuntu-mysql, 19-ubuntu, 19, ubuntu, latest
  • 19-ubuntu-pqsql
  • 18-ubuntu-mysql, 18-ubuntu, 18
  • 18-ubuntu-pgsql
  • 18-alpine-mysql, 18-alpine, alpine
  • 17-ubuntu-mysql, 17-ubuntu, 17
  • 17-ubuntu-pgsql
  • 17-alpine
  • 16-ubuntu-mysql, 16-ubuntu, 16
  • 16-ubuntu-pgsql

bareos-client (fd) - bareos-storage (sd) - bareos-webui

  • 19-ubuntu, 19, ubuntu, latest
  • 18-ubuntu, 18
  • 18-alpine, alpine
  • 17-ubuntu, 17
  • 17-alpine
  • 16-ubuntu, 16

Security advice

The default passwords inside the configuration files are created when building the docker image. Hence for production either build the image yourself using the sources from Github.

⭕ Do not use this container for anything else, as passwords get expose to the Bareos containers.


Bareos Director requires :

  • PostgreSQL or MySQL as a catalog backend
  • SMTP Daemon as mail router (for reporting)

Curently, PostgreSQL is not available on Alpine images.

Bareos Webui requires (Alpine images only) :


Bareos Client (fd) and Storage (sd) have no depencies.

Each component have to run in an single container and must linked together through docker-compose, see exemple below



docker-compose -f /path/to/your/docker-compose.yml up -d

docker-compose files are available for Alpine and Ubuntu based stack:

file compose docker latest build
alpine-v1/mysql v3+ v1.13.0+ run-compose
alpine-v2/mysql v3.7+ v18.06.0+ run-compose
ubuntu/mysql v3+ v1.13.0+ run-compose
ubuntu/pgsql v3+ v1.13.0+ run-compose

Remember to change your mail address in ADMIN_MAIL and maybe some passwords 😁

📁 Those docker-compose file are configured to store data inside /data/(bareos|mysql|pgsql)

Finaly, when your containers are up and runing access Bareos through

  • WebUI :

Open http://your-docker-host:8080 (user: admin / pass: <BAREOS_WEBUI_PASSWORD>)

  • bconsole :

Run docker exec -it bareos-dir bconsole


Docker-compose file

Build your own docker-compose file with this template :

version: '3'
    image: barcus/bareos-director:latest #latest dicector+mysql based on ubuntu
      - <BAREOS_CONF_PATH>:/etc/bareos
      - <BAREOS_DATA_PATH>:/var/lib/bareos #required for MyCatalog backup
      - DB_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretDBp4ssw0rd
      - DB_HOST=bareos-db
      - DB_PORT=3306
      - BAREOS_FD_HOST=bareos-fd
      - BAREOS_SD_HOST=bareos-sd
      - BAREOS_FD_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretFDp4ssw0rd
      - BAREOS_SD_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretSDp4ssw0rd
      - BAREOS_WEBUI_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretUIp4ssw0rd
      - SMTP_HOST=smtpd
      - SENDER_MAIL=your-sender@mail.address #optional
      - ADMIN_MAIL=your@mail.address # Change me!
      - bareos-db

    image: barcus/bareos-storage:latest
      - 9103:9103
      - <BAREOS_CONF_PATH>:/etc/bareos
      - <BAREOS_BKP_VOLUME_PATH>:/var/lib/bareos/storage
      - BAREOS_SD_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretSDp4ssw0rd

    image: barcus/bareos-client:latest
      - <BAREOS_CONF_PATH>:/etc/bareos
      - <BAREOS_DATA_PATH>:/var/lib/bareos-director #required for MyCatalog backup
      - BAREOS_FD_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretFDp4ssw0rd

    image: barcus/bareos-webui:latest
      - 8080:80
      - BAREOS_DIR_HOST=bareos-dir
      - SERVER_STATS=yes #optional enable apache server statistics
      - <BAREOS_CONF_PATH>:/etc/bareos-webui

    image: mysql:5.6
      - <DB_DATA_PATH>:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretDBp4ssw0rd

  #  image: postgres:9.3
  #  volumes:
  #    - <DB_DATA_PATH>:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  #  environment:
  #    - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=ThisIsMySecretDBp4ssw0rd

    image: namshi/smtp

Bareos Director (bareos-dir)

  • <BAREOS_CONF_PATH> is the path to share your Director config folder from the host side (optional/recommended)
  • <BAREOS_DATA_PATH> is the path to share your Director data folder from the host side (recommended)
  • DB_PASSWORD must be same as Bareos Database section
  • SMTP_HOST is the name of smtp container
  • ADMIN_MAIL is your email address
  • SENDER_MAIL is the email address you want to use for send the email (optional, default ADMIN_MAIL value)

Bareos Storage Daemon (bareos-sd)

  • <BAREOS_CONF_PATH> is the path to share your Storage config folder from the host side (optional/recommended)
  • <BAREOS_BKP_VOLUME_PATH> is the path to share your data folder from the host side. (optional)
  • BAREOS_SD_PASSWORD must be same as Bareos Director section

Bareos Client/File Daemon (bareos-fd)

  • <BAREOS_CONF_PATH> is the path to share your Client config folder from the host side (optional/recommended)
  • <BAREOS_DATA_PATH> is the path to access Director data folder (recommended)
  • BAREOS_FD_PASSWORD must be same as Bareos Director section

Database MySQL or PostgreSQL (bareos-db)

Required as catalog backend, simply use the official MySQL/PostgreSQL image

  • <DB_DATA_PATH> is the path to share your MySQL/PostgreSQL data from the host side

Bareos webUI (bareos-webui)

  • <BAREOS_CONF_PATH> is the path to share your WebUI config folder from the host side. (optional)
  • default user is admin

⚠️ Remember variables *_HOST must be set with container name

Your own Docker images

Build your own Bareos images :

git clone https://github.com/barcus/bareos
cd bareos
docker build -t director-mysql:18-alpine director-mysql/18-alpine
docker build -t storage:18-alpine storage/18-alpine
docker build -t client:18-alpine client/18-alpine
docker build -t webui:18-alpine webui/18-alpine

Build your own Xenial base system image :

git clone https://github.com/rockyluke/docker-ubuntu
cd docker-ubuntu
./build.sh -d xenial

Thanks to @rockyluke :)


For more information visit the Github repositories :

My Docker hub :

Enjoy !


Docker image for Bareos.


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 57.4%Language:Dockerfile 42.6%