longstaff / chatbot

chatbot with svelte and graphl

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Demo chat application

The original concept was to try and make two separate docker images that cna hook into a generic database image to store the chatlog.

Simple application should be able to be put together with a lightweight app structure so chose Svelte as it is fast and simple while having a lot of the modern power of frameworks

GraphQL is a very powerful server layer that has a lot of built-in cascading resoltion of data (eg users in messages) and inbuild support for realtime subscriptions through subscriptions, so seemed like a nice fit.

Things that got done:

  • ✔ GraphQL with in memory storage for chat logs and users
  • ✔ Svelte app that lets you log in as a new user and post messages
  • ✔ Subscriptions with web sockets for realtime updates
  • ✔ Scroll on message
  • ✔ Testing for svelte
  • ✔ External database for storage

Things that did not get done:

  • ❌ Testing for graphql
  • ❌ Dockerisation
  • ❌ DataLoaders for database connection
  • ❌ Error handling in app

Just get it running already!

To get the database up and running use docker-compose -f docker.yml up.

Each section (server and client) should run yarn build to build the distribution version and yarn start to serve it.

Currently GraphQL is hosted on http://localhost:3000 and the application is on http://localhost:5000.

Obviously the db needs to be running for the server and both need to be running or the client will complain.

What about a dev build?

For dev work there is yarn dev in both that should start it up with a local watch for changes.


chatbot with svelte and graphl


Language:JavaScript 52.8%Language:TypeScript 22.6%Language:Svelte 21.2%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:HTML 1.1%