longcw / yolo2-pytorch

YOLOv2 in PyTorch

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KeyError: "Unable to open object (object 'conv1s.0.0.bn.num_batches_tracked' doesn't exist)"

YAyaXM opened this issue · comments

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo.py", line 37, in
net_utils.load_net(trained_model, net)
File "/home/xzm_project/DLpj/yolo/yolo2-pytorch/utils/network.py", line 66, in load_net
param = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(h5f[k]))
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "/home/xzm_project/.conda/envs/xzm/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/group.py", line 167, in getitem
oid = h5o.open(self.id, self._e(name), lapl=self._lapl)
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
File "h5py/h5o.pyx", line 190, in h5py.h5o.open
KeyError: "Unable to open object (object 'conv1s.0.0.bn.num_batches_tracked' doesn't exist)"
what is problem? i trust you can solve this problem! ganbadie!

It is not useful to load the model in the retraining. Just annotate the loaded model.