longcongduoi / xcache

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



xcache is based on ccache. It can store the outputs of compile into remote servers.

It consists of several components:

  • xcache

A new in-memory database which has high efficiency. All the outputs of compile will be stored in it.

  • xcache_client

It's just the ccache with the capability to communicate with the xcache.

  • xcache_monitor

The monitor of the xcache.

How to build

cd server && make -j

cd client && ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make -j

xcache and xcache_monitor under the directory of server

xcache_client under the the directory of server

How to use:

Single Mode

  • Setup the xcache on remote server which is We will run:

xcache -d -c -p 20190 -m 1

The parameter -d means to run as a daemon.

The parameter -c means to generate a core file when xcache crashed.

The parameter -m 1 means to set the original memory of the database to 1G.You can change the value by yourself.

The parameter -p 20190 means to set the port to 20190. You can change the value you like.

You can run xcache -h to see another parameters available.

  • Setup the xcache_client, Please run any one of the following commands.


The value 10 is the xcache_core, please see the distribute cluster mode below.

  • Run the ccache to compile

xcache_client gcc test.c -c -o test.o

Distributed Cluster Mode

  • Setup the xcache on remote server which is We will run two databases.

xcache -d -c -p 20190 -m 1

xcache -d -c -p 20191 -m 1

The parameter -d means to run as a daemon.

The parameter -c means to generate a core file when xcache crashed.

The parameter -m 1 means to set the original memory of the database to 1G.You can change the value by yourself.

The parameter -p 20190 means to set the port to 20190. You can change the value you like.

You can run xcache -h to see another parameters available.

  • Setup the proxy on remote server which is Please run:

xcache -d -c -p 6666 -P

The parameter -P means to change the xcache to a proxy which has a high priority.

  • Tell the proxy about the information of the xcache. Please run :

xcache_monitor -S["--SERVER= 10 --SERVER= 10"]

The format of command is like:

xcache_monitor -S proxy_ip:proxy_port["--SERVER=xcache_ip:xcache_port xcache_core"]

The xcache_core means the power of the database. The one which has bigger xcache_core would store more data than others.

  • Setup the xcache_client.

If you don’t use the proxy, please run:


If you use the proxy, please run one of the following commands:


export CCACHE_REMOTE_CONF=`xcache_monitor -G | tail -1 | grep "SERVER="`

  • Run the ccache to compile

xcache_client gcc test.c -c -o test.o


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 84.6%Language:Shell 10.6%Language:M4 1.5%Language:Python 1.1%Language:Objective-C 1.1%Language:C++ 0.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%