loicmarie / sign-language-alphabet-recognizer

Simple sign language alphabet recognizer using Python, openCV and tensorflow for training Inception model (CNN classifier).

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

classify_webcam.py on Mac runs but no windows open

DennisFaucher opened this issue · comments

train.py and classify.py run fine. classify_webcam.py doesn't do anything. Eventually, python3 shows as unresponsive in Activity Monitor. CTRL-C break sends this output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "classify_webcam.py", line 57, in
ret, img = cap.read()

@DennisFaucher Did you got the solution for this problem. the classify_webcam.py doesn't works for me. it gets struck for infinity. i am using ubuntu

No. I built my own. See this repo: https://github.com/DennisFaucher/pytorchasl

import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf