loicland / superpoint_graph

Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs

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Compile the libply_c and libcp libraries

ZouhairBALLOUCH opened this issue · comments

Hello Sir,
Can you help me please I always receive errors( errors in the paths) in this part although I replaced $CONDAENV by the path of my environment (C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 ) and also I do not have the same files for example at the level of Lib I do not have any file which is called libpython3.6.so
I am working with python 3.8
Thank you in advance

Have you tried replacing mentions of python3.6 by python3.8 in the command lines?

Yes Professor I replaced 3.6 with 3.8 but in Lib I don't have any file called libpython3.8.so

If you have installed conda correctly there must be a libpython*.so file in CONDAENV/lib. On a UNIX terminal type:

`locate $CONDAENV$libpy

I don't use Unix. I have installed Anaconda (Python 3.8) on Windows 10. However I don't find the files you said.
Thank you

I don't use windows, so I am not sure how to compile the librairies, but I know it is possible. Have you installed python3-dev? Anyway, first step for you would be to locate or install libpython*.so.

thank you very much professor


We are releasing a new version of SuperPoint Graph called SuperPoint Transformer (SPT).
It is better in any way:

✨ SPT in numbers ✨
📊 SOTA results: 76.0 mIoU S3DIS 6-Fold, 63.5 mIoU on KITTI-360 Val, 79.6 mIoU on DALES
🦋 212k parameters only!
⚡ Trains on S3DIS in 3h on 1 GPU
Preprocessing is x7 faster than SPG!
🚀 Easy install (no more boost!)

If you are interested in lightweight, high-performance 3D deep learning, you should check it out. In the meantime, we will finally retire SPG and stop maintaining this repo.