logstash-plugins / logstash-patterns-core

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SYSLOGTIMESTAMP pattern doesn't match "high precision" timestamps

joshuaspence opened this issue · comments

rsyslogd can be configured to write high precision timestamps with $ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_FileFormat, but these aren't matched by the %{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP} pattern, which only matches %{MONTH} +%{MONTHDAY} %{TIME}.

TIMESTAMP_ISO8601 should match high precision timestamps such as those utilized by rsyslog.

I was able to get a match with the following timestamp:


Yes, use TIMESTAMP_ISO8601or even better SYSLOGBASE2, see

SYSLOGBASE2 (?:%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp}|%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp8601}) (?:%{SYSLOGFACILITY} )?%{SYSLOGHOST:logsource}+(?: %{SYSLOGPROG}:|)

This can be closed.

Ah, perfect. I didn't know about `SYSLOGBASE2. That looks like it should work perfectly.