logstash-plugins / logstash-input-dead_letter_queue

Logstash's Dead Letter Queue Input

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dead Letter Queue is never cleared after processing.

kreiger opened this issue · comments

  • Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Logstash fails to write events to ElasticSearch for some reason. In our case, a mapping error.
  2. Logstash writes the events to DLQ
  3. Second pipeline reads DLQ using logstash-input-dead_letter_queue and writes them somewhere else, in our case Kafka.

Expected behavior:

DLQ is cleared after processing.

Actual behavior:

DLQ is not cleared after processing.
DLQ becomes full.
Logs are spammed with warnings about DLQ being full.
Log events are lost once DLQ is full.

I have the same issue using the DLQ input. I think that there should be a configuration option to enable/disable the clearing of the DLQ after processing which defaults to false.

Having same issue. Agree with @pdscopes there should be an option in configuration to clear event from DLQ.

Will this be available soon in an future release? Facing the same issues, would be great to have the functionality to preform this as mentioned by @pdscopes . Seen multiple elastic.discussion topics on this also.

I've got around this in kubernetes by configuring an output plugin in logstash which kills the container if the DLQ exceeds 80% of its pre-configured size.

The DLQ itself is at a path within the container, so when the pod is recycled it is cleared completely - as is logstash's internal DLQ count.

The sincedb files which track the log file reading position are in a dir bind-mounted from the host, so they survive the pod recycle

    input {
      dead_letter_queue {
        id => "kubernetes_dlq"
        path => "${PATH_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE}"
        sincedb_path => {{ .Values.logstash.dead_letter_queue_sincedb_path | quote }}
        commit_offsets => true
        tags => ["dlq"]

    # If the DLQ is > 80% full kill the pod
    output {
      if "dlq" in [tags] {
        exec {
          command => "if (( $(du -sb {{ .Values.logstash.path_dead_letter_queue }}/main/ | cut -f1) > $(( {{ .Values.logstash.dead_letter_queue_max_bytes }}*80/100 )) )); then kill 1; fi &"

Also worth pointing out:

  1. The DLQ checking feature works by sending a kill to the logstash PID - this command sends a SIGTERM by default: https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Termination-Signals.html
  2. A SIGTERM causes logstash to gracefully stop, completing in-process events before shutting down: https://discuss.elastic.co/t/gracefully-shutdown-logstash/40132