logpai / logparser

A machine learning toolkit for log parsing [ICSE'19, DSN'16]

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Can you provide a demo of Drian for dealing with BGL dataset?

sunpeijie0 opened this issue · comments

Hello! For my near study, I want to use excellent configuration of Drain for dealing with BGL dataset. Can you provide some configuration or code?

same. I used configs in the benchmark but got 1800+ log templates.

The parameters used can be found in our paper:

Specifically, Table II and the paragraph behind introduce the parameters and preprocessing details on different datasets.


I just want to share my regex setting for the BGL dataset. With this setting, the amount of templates drops to 337 with the parameters recommended by the aforementioned paper.

regex = [r'core\.\d+', r'(?<=r)\d{1,2}', r'(?<=fpr)\d{1,2}', r'(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}', r'(?<=\.\.)0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', r'(?<=\.\.)\d+(?!x)', r'\d+(?=:)', r'^\d+$', r'(?<=\=)\d+(?!x)', r'(?<=\=)0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', r'(?<=\ )[A-Z][\+|\-](?= |$)', r'(?<=:\ )[A-Z](?= |$)', r'(?<=\ [A-Z]\ )[A-Z](?= |$)']


I just want to share my regex setting for the BGL dataset. With this setting, the amount of templates drops to 337 with the parameters recommended by the aforementioned paper.

regex = [r'core\.\d+', r'(?<=r)\d{1,2}', r'(?<=fpr)\d{1,2}', r'(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}', r'(?<=\.\.)0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', r'(?<=\.\.)\d+(?!x)', r'\d+(?=:)', r'^\d+$', r'(?<=\=)\d+(?!x)', r'(?<=\=)0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', r'(?<=\ )[A-Z][\+|\-](?= |$)', r'(?<=:\ )[A-Z](?= |$)', r'(?<=\ [A-Z]\ )[A-Z](?= |$)']

hello,can I have you email?I have several easy questions which l think you can solve. Best wishes