logic-ng / LogicNG

The Next Generation Logic Library

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Pseudo-Boolean Constraint toString into Parser Roundtrip does not work.

d-bischoff opened this issue · comments


If i parse a pseudo boolean constraint like

1 * A + 1 * B = 1

it works. If I then print this with toString() it becomes

A + B = 1

which can not be parsed anymore.

I believe that output should be parseable again. And it is in all other cases.

Absolutely right. The question ist: should

(1) the parser be able to parse A + B = 1 or should
(2) the toString() be 1 * A + 1 * B = 1.

(2) is very easy to implement, (1) would be more elegant to read. Any preferences?


Well yes indeed. Exactly my thinking.

Which probably already answers your question. I would prefere Option 1, but as a work around 2 is also fine. Would you agree?

OK. I went for the elegant solution :) This will be part of Release 1.1. You can test the implementation in the release_1.1 branch. Please give feedback, if everything works as expected.


Will do. Thanks!


I have yet to find any problems related to the new parser. Thanks again.