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anchor-js downloaded by sw.js

Munter opened this issue · comments

The serviceworker tries to pull down all static files from the docs page. But it also tries to download a completely unused anchor-js library, includind non-existing documentation files from that library.

I've tracked it down to the github-pages gem containing a whole bunch of things, one of which apparently automatically adds /assets/javascript/anchor-js: jekyll/jekyll#6358

Since this page is no longer served on github pages, maybe it might make sense to update the gem file to state the minimum needed gems, so leaks like these don't happen.

These are the gems currently in use automatically as part of github-pages:

$ bundle exec github-pages versions
| Gem                          | Version |
| jekyll                       | 3.6.2   |
| jekyll-sass-converter        | 1.5.0   |
| kramdown                     | 1.16.2  |
| jekyll-commonmark-ghpages    | 0.1.3   |
| liquid                       | 4.0.0   |
| rouge                        | 2.2.1   |
| github-pages-health-check    | 1.3.5   |
| jekyll-redirect-from         | 0.12.1  |
| jekyll-sitemap               | 1.1.1   |
| jekyll-feed                  | 0.9.2   |
| jekyll-gist                  | 1.4.1   |
| jekyll-paginate              | 1.1.0   |
| jekyll-coffeescript          | 1.0.2   |
| jekyll-seo-tag               | 2.3.0   |
| jekyll-github-metadata       | 2.9.3   |
| jekyll-avatar                | 0.5.0   |
| jekyll-remote-theme          | 0.2.3   |
| jemoji                       | 0.8.1   |
| jekyll-mentions              | 1.2.0   |
| jekyll-relative-links        | 0.5.2   |
| jekyll-optional-front-matter | 0.3.0   |
| jekyll-readme-index          | 0.2.0   |
| jekyll-default-layout        | 0.1.4   |
| jekyll-titles-from-headings  | 0.5.0   |
| listen                       | 3.0.6   |
| activesupport                | 4.2.9   |
| minima                       | 2.1.1   |
| jekyll-swiss                 | 0.4.0   |
| jekyll-theme-primer          | 0.5.2   |
| jekyll-theme-architect       | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-cayman          | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-dinky           | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-hacker          | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-leap-day        | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-merlot          | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-midnight        | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-minimal         | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-modernist       | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-slate           | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-tactile         | 0.1.0   |
| jekyll-theme-time-machine    | 0.1.0   |