(physx worker bug) - Contacts involving a vehicle are not detected
nebular opened this issue · comments
(physx) Adding a contact between a vehicle and a body is never triggered.
However, the worker does detect the contact - it only doesn't find the name of the object so it doesnt call the callback.
In the supplied screenshot - when the worker receives the "addVehicle" - it just lacks:
case "vehicle":
C.set(A.vehicleActor.ptr, A.name);
then later on, Q is found correctly as the vehicle and the callback reaches phy.
Also, if I add a Ray with a vehicle as Parent - there is the same problem but worse: The Worker will die because A.getGlobalPose is undefined (rather being A.vehicleActor.getGlobalPose).
0], this.end = A.end || [0, 0, 1], this.precision = A.precision || 1, this.group = void 0 !== A.group || 16, this.mask = void 0 !== A.mask || 2;}
getPoint() {
if (this.parent) {
const A = Q.byName(this.parent);
if (A) {
const I = A.getGlobalPose(),
g = I.p.toArray(),
C = I.q.toArray();
return [p.applyTransformArray(this.begin, g, C), p.applyTransformArray(this.end, g, C)];
return [this.begin, this.end];
a simple fix:
const I = A.type === "vehicle" ? A.vehicleActor.getGlobalPose() : A.getGlobalPose,
Hi yes vehicle have specific rigidbody in physx
i have to try is about collision filter