llyx97 / Rosita

[AAAI 2021] "ROSITA: Refined BERT cOmpreSsion with InTegrAted techniques", Yuanxin Liu, Zheng Lin, Fengcheng Yuan

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This repository contains implementation of the paper "ROSITA: Refined BERT cOmpreSsion with InTegrAted techniques" in AAAI 2021.

The code for fine-tuning models (w/o knowledge distillation (KD)) is modified from huggingface/transformers.

The code for KD is modified from TinyBERT.



Data Preparation

Step1: Download the GLUE data by running:

python download_glue_data.py --data_dir data --tasks all

The extracted .tsv files for CoLA and SST-2 are given in the data/ folder.

Step2: Download the pre-trained language model BERT (bert-base-uncased) and GloVe (glove.42B.300d) embeddings, to models/bert_pt/ and glove/ respectively. The download of BERT can be achieved by running:

python download_bert.py

Step3: Conduct data augmentation by running:

python data_augmentation.py --pretrained_bert_model models/bert_pt \
                            --glove_embs glove/glove.42B.300d.txt \
                            --glue_dir data \  
                            --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$

The augmented dataset train_aug.tsv will be automatically saved into data/${TASK_NAME}$.

Step4 (Optional): For QNLI, QQP and MNLI which have millions of augmented data, we divide train_aug.tsv into subsets to reduce the memory consumption in training.

The following (Linux) commands can be used to split the dataset:

cd data/${TASK_NAME}$
split -500000 -d train_aug.tsv train_aug

Now we have subsets with 500,000 data samples in each. Rename the subset files as train_aug0.tsv, train_aug1.tsv ...

Fine-tuning BERT-base

To fine-tune the pre-trained BERT model on a downstream task ${TASK_NAME}$, enter the directory Pruning/ and run:

python run_glue.py \
  --model_type bert \
  --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
  --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --evaluate_during_training \
  --data_dir ../data/${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 5.0 \
  --output_dir ../models/bert_ft/${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --logging_dir ../models/bert_ft/${TASK_NAME}$/logging \
  --logging_steps 50 \
  --save_steps 0 \
  --is_prun False 

Training BERT-base(student)

To train the BERT-base(student) with the fine-tuned BERT-base as teacher, enter the directory KD/ and run:

python train.py \
        --config_dir configurations/config_bert-student.json \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --do_lower_case \

The trained BERT-base(student) model will be automatically saved into models/bert_student/${TASK_NAME}$.

Training BERT-8layer

To train the BERT-8layer with BERT-base(student) as the teacher, run:

python train.py \
        --config_dir configurations/config_bert-8layer.json \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --do_lower_case \

In this training process, the top-most layers of BERT-base(student) will be iteratively compressed until the number of layers reduces to 8.

One-step pruning + fine-tuning w/o KD

Requirements: Fine-tuned BERT

Step1: To compress the fine-tuned BERT-base model, we first need to determine the importance of model weights. We use a metric based on first-order taylor expansion, which can be computed by entering the directory Pruning/ and runnning:

python run_glue.py \
  --model_type bert \
  --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --data_dir ../data/${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 \
  --num_train_epochs 1.0 \
  --save_steps 0 \
  --model_name_or_path ../models/bert_ft/${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --output_dir ../models/bert_ft/${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --compute_taylor True \
  --is_prun False 

The results will be saved to ../models/bert_ft/${TASK_NAME}$/taylor_score/taylor.pkl

Step2: Now we can conduct model compression by running:

python3 pruning_one_step.py \
        -model_path ../models/bert_ft \
        -output_dir ../models/prun_bert \
        -task ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        -keep_heads ${NUM_OF_ATTN_HEADS_TO_KEEP}$ \
        -num_layers ${NUM_OF_LAYERS_TO_KEEP}$ \
        -ffn_hidden_dim ${HIDDEN_DIM_OF_FFN}$ \
        -emb_hidden_dim ${MATRIX_RANK_OF_EMB_FACTORIZATION}$

The four hyperparameters keep_heads, keep_layers, ffn_hidden_dim and emb_hidden_dim construct a space of the model architecture. In the final setting of ROSITA, keep_heads=2, keep_layers=8, ffn_hidden_dim=512 and emb_hidden_dim=128.

Step3: To train the compressed model without KD, run:

python run_glue.py \
  --model_type bert \
  --model_name_or_path ../models/prun_bert/${TASK_NAME}$/a2_l8_f512_e128 \
  --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --evaluate_during_training \
  --data_dir ../data/${TASK_NAME}$ \
  --max_seq_length ${MAX_SEQ_LENGTH}$ \
  --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs ${EPOCH_NUM}$ \
  --output_dir ../models/one_step_prun/${TASK_NAME}$/a2_l8_f512_e128 \
  --logging_dir ../models/one_step_prun/${TASK_NAME}$/a2_l8_f512_e128/logging \
  --logging_steps 100 \
  --save_steps 0 \
  --is_prun True

where ${MAX_SEQ_LENGTH}$ and ${EPOCH_NUM}$ for different datasets are shown as follows:

${MAX_SEQ_LENGTH}$ 64 64 128 128 128
${EPOCH_NUM}$ 20 5 5 5 5

Training w/ KD

The following figure illustrates the four different KD settings.

KD Setting1: one-step pruning + one-stage KD

Requirements: Fine-tuned BERT

Step1: Compress BERT as in Step1 and Step2 of One-step pruning + fine-tuning w/o KD.

Step2: To train the compressed model with KD Setting1, enter KD/ and run:

python train.py \
        --config_dir configurations/config_setting1.json \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --do_lower_case \

When it comes to the augmented datasets for QNLI, QQP and MNLI, we can run train_with_subset.py instead, which loads the training subsets (constructed in Data Preparation) to reduce the memory consumption. train_with_subset.py can also be used in the other KD settings.

KD Setting2: one-step pruning + two-stage KD

Requirements: Fine-tuned BERT, BERT-base(student)

Step1: Compute the weight importance metric by entering KD/ and running:

python train.py \
        --teacher_model ../models/bert_ft/${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --student_model ../models/bert_student/${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --data_dir ../data/${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --output_dir ../models/bert_student/${TASK_NAME}$/taylor_score \
        --num_train_epochs 1 \
        --do_lower_case \
        --pred_distill \

Step2: Compress the BERT-base(student) model by running:

python3 pruning_one_step.py \
        -model_path ../models/bert_student \
        -output_dir ../models/prun_bert_student \
        -task ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        -keep_heads 2 \
        -num_layers 8 \
        -ffn_hidden_dim 512 \
        -emb_hidden_dim 128

Step3: Train the compressed model by running:

python train.py \
        --config_dir configurations/config_setting2.json \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --do_lower_case \

KD Setting3: iterative width pruning + two-stage KD

Requirements: BERT-base(student)

Step1: Compress BERT-base(student) to 8 layers by entering KD/ and running:

python3 pruning_one_step.py \
        -model_path ../models/bert_student \
        -output_dir ../models/bert-8layer/one_step_prun \
        -task ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        -keep_heads 12 \
        -num_layers 8 \
        -ffn_hidden_dim 3072 \
        -emb_hidden_dim -1

Step2: Train and iteratively compress the 8layer BERT model by running:

python train.py \
        --config_dir configurations/config_setting3.json \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --do_lower_case \

KD Setting4: iterative width&depth pruning + three-stage KD

Requirements: BERT-8layer trained with iterative depth pruning

Train and iteratively compress the BERT-8layer model by entering KD/ and running:

python train.py \
        --config_dir configurations/config_setting4.json \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --do_lower_case \


To evaluate any trained model on the dev and test sets, enter KD/ and run:

python test.py \
        --student_model ${PATH_OF_THE_MODEL_TO_EVALUATE}$ \
        --output_dir  ${PATH_TO_OUTPUT_EVALUATION_RESULTS}$ \
        --data_dir ../data/${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --task_name ${TASK_NAME}$ \
        --do_lower_case \
        --do_eval \

Here we provide the ROSITA models trained under KD Setting4 for evaluation:







If you use this repository in a published research, please cite our paper:

author = {Yuanxin Liu and Zheng Lin and Fengcheng Yuan},
title = {ROSITA: Refined BERT cOmpreSsion with InTegrAted techniques},
booktitle = {AAAI 2021},
year = {2021}


[AAAI 2021] "ROSITA: Refined BERT cOmpreSsion with InTegrAted techniques", Yuanxin Liu, Zheng Lin, Fengcheng Yuan


Language:Python 100.0%