llvmpy / llvmpy

Originally a github fork of the llvm-py repository from http://www.mdevan.org/llvm-py/index.html updated to work with LLVM 3.x. Since then it has changed significantly with multiple sub-projects.

Home Page:www.llvmpy.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BUG: iterator_to_pylist_deref and iterator_to_pylist leak 1 reference

opened this issue · comments


  • pycapsule_new calls PyCapsule_New which returns a NEW reference
  • PyList_Append calls Py_INCREF implicitly
  • Original reference must have Py_DECREF called


--- e:\llvmpy-llvmpy-0.12.1-1-gc199881_foo\llvmpy-llvmpy-c199881\llvmpy\include\llvm_binding\extra.h    Mon Nov 18 16:59:01 2013
+++ llvmpy\include\llvm_binding\extra.h Wed Jan 08 16:14:10 2014
@@ -184,26 +184,28 @@
 PyObject* iterator_to_pylist_deref(iterator begin, iterator end,
                              const char *capsuleName, const char *className)
     PyObject* list = PyList_New(0);
     for(; begin != end; ++begin) {
         PyObject* cap = pycapsule_new(&*begin, capsuleName, className);
         PyList_Append(list, cap);
+        Py_DECREF(cap);
     return list;

 template<class iterator>
 PyObject* iterator_to_pylist(iterator begin, iterator end,
                              const char *capsuleName, const char *className)
     PyObject* list = PyList_New(0);
     for(; begin != end; ++begin) {
         PyObject* cap = pycapsule_new(*begin, capsuleName, className);
         PyList_Append(list, cap);
+        Py_DECREF(cap);
     return list;

 template<class iplist>
 PyObject* iplist_to_pylist(iplist &IPL, const char * capsuleName,
                            const char* className){

I've found the same problem. There are a couple more similar leaks, here's my patch: https://gist.github.com/eltjpm/8834958

I should have done this earlier.