lllyasviel / YGOProUnity_V2

A sample version of ygopro in Unity

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Hand and Field

MuhamedPoric opened this issue · comments

First of all, I want to say that I love YGOPRO2, I think its amazing, and definitely deserves to get as many
players as possible.
I've been playing it for some time now, on the latest version, and there was this 1 issue that was really
making me unconfortable to play, just this 1 issue and nothing else, everything was perfect, and that
is the hand:

  • Cards are too far away from each other
  • Zoom effect

Cards are too far away from each other:

  • The deal with this is, it doesnt look right, it doesnt feel confortable to play, imo they should be right
    next to each other, or have a small distance between each other, cards in hand should be bigger.

Zoom effect:

  • I dont understand why make a zoom effect when you hover over a card in hand, when you have a
    huge Card Zoom at the top left?
  • Imo it looks bad, but there are some people that like this, and i cant comprehend why, its
    so unconfortable to play with that, Instead of the Zoom effect, I would like the card to
    just go up a bit, for example like on Yugioh Online 3, YGOPRO 1, Dueling Book and etc.

How to fix the issue imo:

  • If people like cards so far away from each other (which I cannot understand why), Make it an option
    in settings, toggle between current hand, and the "new and improved" imo hand, that has cards
    right next to each other, and cards in hand are bigger.
  • Zoom eff should also be an option to be toggled on or off between it and the other option which is
    that card just goes up.


  • I didn't come here to "bash" as it might seem, actualy its quite the opposite, I came here to give
    suggestions, as a devoted player of YGOPRO2, I want to enjoy the experience, but i just cant
    because the 2 issues written above really bother me no matter how much I try to ignore it. Thank
    you for understanding, and if you did, thank you for considering this suggestion, it really means a
    lot to me as a devoted player of this awesome game.

Thanks for your time!
Have a nice day,

Ace, mod at duelists unite, and creator of http://ygopro2.cf that got 70 000k players to visit the download page for this game.

(EDIT: I just read that other proposal from another person about the 2D field, and imo I would die for it, that would be wayyy tooo amazing please consider that aswell.)

oh thank you for these suggestions.
I will read these carefully later and push some codes for it.

Your website looks nice. I had never think that my game can be popular out of china. Maybe there remains many works.

Thank you for reviewing it!