lkellermann / covid19br

Database project with hospitalar notifications to answer a few questions about COVID-19 in Brazil. Data from 2020.

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Brazil COVID-19 Hospitalar Notifications 2020

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Build several tables related to COVID-19 notifications in Brazil in 2020 from public datasets provided by Brazilian Federal Government Organizations.

📝 Table of Contents


📝 Table of Contents

The Coronavirus Disease 2019, shortly named COVID-19, is a contagious diseased caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The first known case was reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Since then the disease is spreading worldwide leading it to be classified as an ongoing pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020.

Despite WHO's recommendations to people and governments in order to slow down the contamination rate, there were not standard actions to fight against the disease. Some governments who followed the WHO recommendations, such as New Zealand, had reported small number of cases and deaths. On the other hand, there were governments who activelly fought against its population minimizing the disease effects and spreaded fake news about it had several problems. Brazil falls at this second category.

In this project we are crossing hospitalization data containing some charateristics of the patient reported on a notification report and geographical data such as city coordinates, city area and estimated population. This project uses data from the year 2020 but the patients reports are still being updated in 2021 as new discoveries are done.

About the data

📝 Table of Contents

In this project we have two kinds of data: the geographical related and the patient related.

Geographical datasets

📝 Table of Contents The geographical information in this datasets allow an analysis about the effects of the area, perimeter and population size, at city level, in the number of hospitalization notifications.

geo_info.csv dataset

📝 Table of Contents

This dataset comes from a shape file provided by the brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA). The data was converted in tabular form by QGIS, calculating the city centroids, getting its coordinates and calculating each city area and perimeter in degree-units. The projection standard addopted here was the EPSG:4618-SAD69

Column Description Source
key (string) Concatenated strings where the first two letters are the initials of an federative unit and the following letters is the non-ascii characteres in the city name IPEA
NOME_UF (string) Federative Unit initials. IPEA
CODIGO_UF(float) Federative unit code. IPEA
xcoord (float) Estimated city's centroid Latitude. IPEA
ycoord (float) Estimated city's centroid Longitude. IPEA
area_perimeter_area (float) Estimated city's area in square degree. IPEA
area_perimeter_perimeter (float) Estimated city's perimeter in degrees. IPEA

The files to generate this dataset is in the meshsubdirectory.


📝 Table of Contents This dataset is provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and contains information about populational estimatives by city in 2020.

Column Description Source
UF (string) Federative unit initials. IBGE
COD. UF (string) Federative unit initials. IBGE
COD. MUNIC (string) City code. IBGE
NOME DO MUNICÍPIO (string) City name. IBGE
POPULAÇÃO ESTIMADA (string) Population estimative in 2020. IBGE

RELATORIO_DTB_BRASIL_DISTRITO.xls (Notification staging table )

📝 Table of Contents

This dataset is provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and contains details aboutl the structural territorial organization of Brazil.

Column Description Source
UF (int) Federative unit code. IBGE
Mesoregião geográfica (string) Mesoregion code. IBGE
Nome_Mesoregião (string) Mesoregion name. IBGE
Microrregião Geográfica (string) Microregion code. IBGE
Nome_Microrregião (string) Microregion name. IBGE
Município (string) Partial city code. IBGE
Código Município Completo (string) Full city code. IBGE
Nome_Município (string) City name. IBGE
Distrito (string) Partial district code. IBGE
Código de Distrito Completo (string) Full district code. IBGE
Nome_Distrito (string) District name. IBGE

The uf_brazil.csv dimension table

📝 Table of Contents This is a small dataset written by hand containing the following columns:

Column Description Source
code_uf (int) Federative unit code. IBGE
uf_name (int) Federative unit name. IBGE
uf (int) Federative unit initials. IBGE

geographic_info dimension table

📝 Table of Contents The geographic_info dimension table is generated by joining and transforming the data related to the geographic-related datasets mentioned above.

Column Description Source
key (string) Key value where the first two characteres is the federative unit initials and the following characteres are the city name without non-ascii characteres. POP2020_20210331.xls
key_2 (string) Key value composed by the federative unit name and city name without the non-ascii characteres. geo_info.csv
key_3 (string) Key value composed by the federative unit name and city name with non-ascii characteres replaced by asciicharacteres. geo_info.csv
fed_unit (string) Federative unit initials. POP2020_20210331.xls
fu_code (int) Federative unit initials. geo_info.csv
uf_name (string) Federative unit name. uf_brazil.csv
city_name (string) City name. POP2020_20210331.xls
city_code (string) City code. POP2020_20210331.xls
latitude (float) City centroid latitude. geo_info.csv
longitude (float) City centroid longitude. geo_info.csv
location_area (float) City area. geo_info.csv
location_perimeter (float) City perimeter. geo_info.csv
pop_est (float) Estimated population size. POP2020_20210331.xls

Patient dataset

📝 Table of Contents

The patient-related dataset contain a more details that are covered in the documentation at input/notification/data-docs/subdirectory. Here we will focuses only on the final tables and its source. These information comes from file INFLUD-05-04-2021.csv provided by Brazilian Health Ministry which contains hospitalized patient data in Brazil at 2020. All columns sources in the tables below comes from this table.

health_units dimension table

📝 Table of Contents This table contains informations about the health unit where a patient is hospitalized.

Column Description Column Source
id_health_unit (int) Health unit identification number. CO_UNI_NOT
nm_health_unit (string) Health unit name. ID_UNIDADE
nm_city (string) City name where the health unit is in. ID_MUNICIP
id_city (int) City code where the health unit is in. CO_MUN_NOT
id_region (float) Region code where the health unit is in. CO_REGIONA
nm_region (float) Region name where the health unit is in. ID_REGIONA

characteristics fact table

📝 Table of Contents This table contains information about the patient's characteristics.

Column Description Column Source
notification_id (int) Notification code generated by monotonically_increasing_id() Spark method. monotonically_increasing_id()
dt_notification (date) Notification date. DT_NOTIFIC
fl_covid19 (boolean) If is suspicious the patient has COVID-19 (True) or not (False). SURTO_SG
res_covid19_test (int) Result of COVID-19 test. RES_IGG
id_health_unit_notific (int) Health unit code. CO_UNI_NOT
cod_sex (string) Patient sex code. CS_SEXO
dt_birth (date) Patient date of birth. DT_NASC
qrt_pregnant (int) Quarter of pregnancy. CS_GESTANT
cod_race (int) Code of race. CS_RACA
cod_schooling (int) Patient schooling code. CS_ESCOL_N
cod_profession (int) Patient profession code. PAC_DSCBO
key_city_not (int) Foreign key to join city notifications with geographic_info dimension table SG_UF_NOT, ID_MUNICIP
nm_fed_unit_not (string) Federal unit name where the notification was registered SG_UF_NOT

| nm_city_not (int) | Name of the city where the notification was registered | ID_MUNICIP | | cod_country_hab (int) | Patient living country code. | CO_PAIS |

illness fact table

📝 Table of Contents This table contains information about diagnostics of some illness the patient has.

Column Description Column Source
notification_id (int) Notification code generated by monotonically_increasing_id() Spark method. monotonically_increasing_id()
fl_covid19 (bool) Flag that identifies if the problems are related to COVID-19 (True) or not (False). SURTO_SG
fl_fever (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has fever (True) or not (False). FEBRE
fl_dyspnoea (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has dyspnoea (True) or not (False). DISPNEIA
fl_breath_probl (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has any breath difficulties (True) or not (False). DESC_RESP
fl_o2_sat (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has blood O2 saturation (True) or not (False). SATURACAO
fl_diarr (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has diarrhea (True) or not (False). DIARREIA
fl_vomit (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient is puking (True) or not (False). VOMITO
fl_abd_pain (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has abdominal pain (True) or not (False). DOR_ABD
fl_fatig (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has fatigue (True) or not (False). FADIGA
fl_smell_loss (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has smell loss (True) or not (False). PERD_OLFT
fl_taste_loss (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient has taste loss (True) or not (False). PERD_PALA
fl_hospitalized (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient needs to be hospitalized (True) or not (False). HOSPITAL
fl_icu (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient needs to go to inencive care unit (True) or not (False). UTI
fl_int_trip (bool) Flag that identifies if the patient went abroad recently (True) or not (False). HISTO_VGM
res_covid19_test (int) Code of the sorological COVID-19 test. RES_IGG

Entity Relationship Diagram

📝 Table of Contents


🏁 Getting Started


📝 Table of Contents To execute this project you'll need a dl.cfg file containing an AWS access and secret ID for an IAM User role with permissions of write and read an S3 bucket. The content of this file must be in the following format:


You will need to install Python 3.7.6 with PySpark 2.4.3 installed. After installing Python, you can install PySpark by running the following command:

pip install pyspark==2.4.3
  • In order to run PySpark 2.4.3, you will need to install Java JDK 8.
  • We strongly recomment to use a specific virtual environment in Python to execute this project. Click here to know more about virtual environments in Python or here to know more about virtual environments in Anaconda.

You should also install all other packages listed on requirements.txt file in order to emulate the same Python environment this project was developed. You can do this by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt


📝 Table of Contents

To execute this project you only need to download this repository, activate the virtual environment with Python 3.7.6 and PySpark 2.4.3 in it and run the following command:

  • You can run this code in test mode without accessing a S3bucket. To do this you just have to uncomment the lines 478 and 479 and comment the lines 469 to 476 in
  • The test files are in input and output subirectories in this repository.

After a few seconds you should see the following lines in your command line:

        0 artifacts copied, 70 already retrieved (0kB/20ms)
YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS WARN Utils: Your hostname, username resolves to a loopback address: XXX.X.X.X; using XXX.XXX.X.X instead (on interface wlp3s0)
YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).

If the file was successfully finished you should see a sample of the final table:

|notification_id|dt_notification|fl_covid19|res_covid19_test|id_health_unit|cod_sex|  dt_birth|qrt_pregnant|cod_race|cod_schooling|cod_profession|cod_country_hab|key_city_not|nm_fed_unit_not|fu_code_not|nm_city_not| latitude| longitude|location_area|location_perimeter|pop_est|
|             90|     2019-12-29|     false|            null|       2372967|      F|1989-12-31|           5|       2|            1|          null|              1|   cearacati|             CE|         23|    Aracati|-37.68638|-4.6802797|   0.10000686|         2.1396823|  74975|
|           5295|     2019-12-29|      true|            null|       2372967|      F|1969-12-28|           5|       4|            0|          null|              1|   cearacati|             CE|         23|    Aracati|-37.68638|-4.6802797|   0.10000686|         2.1396823|  74975|
|          11807|     2019-12-29|     false|            null|       2372967|      M|1953-12-27|           6|       4|            2|          null|              1|   cearacati|             CE|         23|    Aracati|-37.68638|-4.6802797|   0.10000686|         2.1396823|  74975|
|          14341|     2019-12-29|     false|               2|       2372967|      M|1964-12-27|           6|       1|            1|          null|              1|   cearacati|             CE|         23|    Aracati|-37.68638|-4.6802797|   0.10000686|         2.1396823|  74975|
|          16768|     2019-12-29|     false|            null|       2372967|      M|1937-12-26|           6|       4|            1|          null|              1|   cearacati|             CE|         23|    Aracati|-37.68638|-4.6802797|   0.10000686|         2.1396823|  74975|

And you should also see the results of the quality checks:

Running quality check for output/health_units:
Number of rows and columns: (6675,6)                                            

Running quality check for output/illness:
Number of rows and columns: (1189742,18)

Running quality check for output/geographic_info/*/*.parquet:
Number of rows and columns: (16671,17)                                          

Running quality check for output/characteristics:
Number of rows and columns: (1181724,21)                                        

In this quality check is important to notice that characteristics table can't be greater than the illness table. However the dataset can be smaller because of the inner join with geographical_info dataset. Unfurtunatelly there is no standardization between government city databases and the COVID-19 Notifications databases.

❓ Which questions can I answer?

📝 Table of Contents The following questions can be answered with the characteristics table:

  • How many COVID-19 notifications we have per...
    • City.
    • State.
    • Health Unit.
  • Are pregnant women are more susceptible to have COVID-19? If yes, at which quarter?
  • Has the schooling degree, profession or age any relation with the COVID-19 cases?

🤔 What if...

... the data is increased by 100x?

📝 Table of Contents

This project uses Spark as an engine to process the data and was tested with 450 MB of data input. Spark alocates data in memory to run it's calculations and in situations we are running out off memory the engine will persist the data in disk.

Spark works with resilient distributed datasets (RDD) that are well suited to work in big data scenarios. So we don't need to worry about the programming.

Only the POP2020_20210331.xls input data could increase by 100x. The others input files doesn't grow because this would mean that the number of cities and federative units were increased by 100x. In these static datasets (geo_info.csv,RELATORIO_DTB_BRASIL_DISTRITO.xls, uf_brazil.csv) we are OK to work with non-big data tools.

... I need to run the script periodicallly?

📝 Table of Contents If you need to run this script daily at an unpleasent time (like 3AM) you could automate the execution by using the task scheduler of your system or other software you have on your machine after running a script that update your source file POP2020_20210331.xls or replace it with the same information. The script only transform and load the data from a given source directory, but it doesn't update the files in this source directory.

... 100+ people need to access the database at the same time?

📝 Table of Contents Amazon S3 can support many parallel connections and it scales on demand. So there's no problem.

⛏️ Built Using

  • PySpark - Cluster computing system. Good tool to process big datasets.
  • QGis - A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System. Good tool to work with shape files.
  • Pandas - Good tool analyze small datasets in Python.
  • Python - General purpose programming language.
  • Quick Database Diagrams - Tool to create entity relationship diagrams.

✍️ Authors


Database project with hospitalar notifications to answer a few questions about COVID-19 in Brazil. Data from 2020.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%