ljmitch / manage-storage-in-azure-4413556

This repo is for the Linkedin Learning course: Manage Storage in Azure

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Manage Storage in Azure

This is the repository for the LinkedIn Learning course Manage Storage in Azure. The full course is available from LinkedIn Learning.

Manage Storage in Azure

A strong understanding of cloud storage is vital not only for successfully managing data, but also for optimizing cloud spend. In this course, instructor Nicole Stevens covers important aspects of storage in Azure, including code-related deployments, deploying environments with storage accounts via code and Azure Bicep, along with how to authorize access through SDKs for developers. This demo-focused course provides instruction for managing Azure storage with PowerShell and the Azure CLI as well as in the Azure portal.


This repository does not have any branches. Clone the entire repository and you get the demo environments and other setups to look at, all in their final state.

Each top level folder corresponds to a chapter, then a folder underneath to a video or videos with files specific to that video. Resources may be required for multiple videos, therefore please use the following table to map a folder to a video title.

Chapter/Folder Video title
- Azure Storage and the storage services
- Azure Storage Types and Performance Tiers
- Creating a Storage Account in the Azure Portal
01_04 Working with Azure Storage data in the Portal
01_04 An overview of Azure Table Storage and Azure Storage Queues
01_04 Working with Azure Storage data in Azure Storage Explorer: Adding Tables, entities, queues and messages
01_06 Migrating and transferring data into Azure Storage
01_06 Migrating and transferring data into Azure Storage using AzCopy
01_06 Hierarchical namespace and SFTP for Blobs
01_06 Hierarchical namespace and SFTP for Blobs in practice
Chapter 2
- High availability and durability for Azure Storage
- Backing up Azure File Shares and Operational Backup for Blobs
02_02 Backing up Azure File Shares and Blobs Demo
02_03 Disaster recovery and failover
02_04 Object replication for blob data
Chapter 3
03_01 Storage account firewalls and virtual network access
03_02 Private endpoints for Azure Storage
03_03 Create and manage a storage Account with Azure PowerShell
03_03 Executing Azure PowerShell in scripts with the Cloud Shell code editor
03_04 Create and manage a Storage Account with the Azure CLI
- Deploy infrastructure for Azure Storage using Azure Bicep
03_05 Deploy infrastructure for Azure Storage using Azure Bicep Demo
Chapter 4
04_01 The control plane and the data plane
04_02 Authorize with shared Keys
04_03 Authorize operations with Azure AD and Azure RBAC
04_04 Authorize operations with Azure AD and Azure ABAC Storage
04_05 Accessing storage account data from other Azure Services
04_05 Enable passwordless Azure AD based access to Azure Storage
04_06 Shared Access Signatures and Access delegation
Chapter 5
05_01 Setting up Azure File Sync
05_02 Mounting a file share to Windows Server
05_03 Mounting a file share to Linux
Chapter 6
06_01 Encryption at rest and in transit
06_01 Encryption at rest, encryption scopes and encryption in transit in practice
06_02 Soft delete and versioning for blobs, containers and file shares
- Change feed for blob data
06_03 Point in time restore for blob data
06_04 Immutable storage for business-critical blob data
Chapter 7
Billing, Reserved Capacity and network routing preference for Azure Storage
- Storage tiers and blob rehydration
07_02 Manage storage tiers for blobs and files
07_03 Lifecycle management policies and rules
07_04 Monitoring Azure Storage
07_04 Monitoring Azure Storage with Storage Insights and Workbooks
further_reading Learning more about Azure Storage Management

Within each folder is a chapter-X-readme.md file, this contains the commands to be run in the cloudshell to create each environment. The environments allow you to follow along with the videos.


The bicep files are designed to be run in Azure Cloudshell. You do not require anything installed locally to use the bicep files. However, if you would like to study the files locally I recommend the following:

  1. Install VS Code

  2. Add the following extensions to VSCode:

To use the bicep, python and script files in Azure Cloudshell, clone the repository within the cloudshell, CD to the appropriate directory for your video and execute the commands from the chapter-X-readme.md file at the cloudshell command line. For help with Cloudshell, checkout the quickstart

There are also further tools shown in the demos, to use these tools you can install from the following links:

  1. Get started with azcopy

  2. Azure Storage Explorer

  3. WinSCP for Windows


Nicole Stevens

Check out my other courses on LinkedIn Learning.


This repo is for the Linkedin Learning course: Manage Storage in Azure



Language:Bicep 92.7%Language:Python 5.8%Language:PowerShell 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:Shell 0.3%