ljmerza / our-groceries-card

our groceries lovelace card

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

All items in list are shown as active

BergCyrill opened this issue · comments

When configuring the card the active count is shown correctly (1 in this example) but regardless of the settings always all items are shown as „active“ in the detail view.

In my main shopping list which is used over 10 years now this leads to a VERY large, unusable list.

I am currently using HA 2023.1.4



Have been having the same issue lately.

Same issue @ljmerza

Same here.
latest HA and our groceries card
Maybe also related to that?

I inspected the list in the browser and crossed items (are not crossed visually) stay in the same < ul> as active ones. Also < li> elements get no tag to display them in a other way.
So something seems to stopped working here.


The issue is that when the list is fetched each item's property "crossedOff" is always false, it never becomes true. So it's actually not an issue with the card's code but rather with the integration.

But maybe it's better to check if the item has a property called "crossedOffAt" too in the card's code.

ourgroceries has completely changed their api so getLists gets all the lists and all the items once. they throw this all in localstorage and its never accessed again even when you refresh the page. This would be a regression because youre not getting a live list anymore on the website. i assume this was done to further save on bandwidth. id imagine the only reason this integration works is becasuse they havent taken down the old api endpoint yet.

Oh, that's crap :(
Good to know
Thank you for the info

Any idea if there's a work around for this yet?

Sorry, to get this working again would require a good bit of work I don't really have the time for at the moment. I will try to at least gather the details required so either I or someone could pick it up

Any progress on this one? Really looking forward to a solution. Can we help? Thanks!