ljmerza / light-entity-card

Control any light or switch entity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

effect list dropdown UI issues

regevbr opened this issue · comments

Starting v5.0.0, when you open the dropdown menu in a mobile view, and the button is positioned at the top of the view like that:

The menu isn't opening properly, and causing the containing card to be "stretched" like so:


what browser and version? i dont get this bug

It is not browser-related (it happens to me in both Chrome and Firefox in their latest versions on Ubuntu). What you can do to recreate the issue is to add a few cards below it, and then open in mobile view, and click the drop-down when it is positioned at the top of the screen (just like the first screenshot in the issue description) this will force the rendering of the list to be below the button (and not above it like your screen share). Please see the video below:


thats actually what i did and it worked fine. hopefully someone else can reproduce this as well. Since this dropdown uses MWC i wonder if its a big in that library itself

You know what - you are right - my bad. The issue happens to me when I put it inside another containing card