ljmerza / light-entity-card

Control any light or switch entity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version 6.1.0 works but 6.1.1 fails to load

DrJohnT opened this issue · comments

After upgrading (via HACS) from 6.1.0 to 6.1.1 my system no longer can locate the light-entity-card

I reverted to 6.1.0 using HACS and everything great again.

The same here

I have the same issue.

I have the same problem, I had to go back to the previous version.

Same here.
Looks like 6.1.1 does not have the dist repository required by HACS.

same issue

May be trouble in card id?
ive got this js module after installation

Same issue here. How can you downgrade to 6.1.0 with HACS? Can someone please explain?

sorry for the late response updated to fix this

Doesn't seem to be fixed for latest 2024.1.0 non-beta HA Core.

For me, the update to v6.1.2 (from v6.1.1 I think) did not work on 2024.1.0.
But remove and re-install the module did the trick.

Remove -> re-install 6.1.2 on 2024.1.0 does not work for me. Still fails to load.

Double-check what is in your resources. It should be:




@jsiemek : Yes, that makes it work!

For other: Resources are available on clicking the "three dots" button at the top right corner in the "dashboard" setting menu.

@jsiemek : Now it works.

But now HACS complains about 1 lovelace element that could not be loaded. Looks like this is only a workaround.

There is certainly something wrong with it's installation.

@jsiemek : Now it works.

But now HACS complains about 1 lovelace element that could not be loaded. Looks like this is only a workaround.

Instead of editing the bad one with null, I added another entry with the correct path so there are two entries now. This allows it to work and not display the Lovelace error.

@zSprawl : Nice trick !.
Still hopping that @ljmerza is able to correct the installation.

Sorry not sure what's wrong with the installation?

When installing, this adds /hacsfiles/light-entity-card/null?hacstag=168744428612 as a resource whereas it should add '/hacsfiles/light-entity-card/light-entity-card.js?hacstag=168744428612'

Have during install add wrong entry into resources:

It should be:


It adds:


la versione 6.1.2 non funziona più devo tornare alla versione 6.0

an update will be released that solves the problem or I have to keep version 6.0?

Simply updating to 6.1.2 just now appears to have fixed it for me.

6.1.2 does not fix it for me

try uninstalling and reinstalling. the previous bug may have left HACS in a bad state

I continue to have the same problem with 6.1.2, I have tried removing and replacing several times.
I now have 6.1.0

Have during install add wrong entry into resources:

It should be:


It adds:


Check and remove or fix line in
Config > Dashboard > 3 dots > ( Search entry null )

Removing and reinstalling helped to solve the problem for me.

I've tried over and over again, but after a few uses I return to this point

Screenshot 2024-01-06 alle 17 26 51 Screenshot 2024-01-06 alle 17 27 05

only with 6.1.0 everything works normally.

It stopped working again here. Got an error:

downloading again stopped the error but the other error appeared again:

Reverting to 6.1.0 for now.