ljmerza / light-entity-card

Control any light or switch entity

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Color Wheel no longer showing up on 2023.3.0

conorlap opened this issue · comments


Color Wheel no longer showing up on latest HA release 2023.3.0

This must be because they have reworked the more-info dialogue for lights etc.

Same issue here!

Ditto here, also on 2023.3.1. I tried to figure out what causes it because the ha-color-picker isn't updated in the frontend repository, but it seems that it is an issue with loading the contents of the color picker. When I first load the page, click on my light the popup card is empty. However when I then open the regular more-info page and view the color picker, close it and then open this light-entity-card popup again it does show. When looking at the source code, the contents of the ha-color-picker element is empty the first time, however, the second time after opening the regular more-info popup, this popup does contain the shadow root and everything in it so I guess that it has something to do with loading the data from the color picker element. Hope this information helps :)


Looking some more into the source of the frontend (my first time so not quite sure how everything works together), the color picker is referenced in these files


Looking at the changes from the last days it seems that they are now dynamically loading the component, which I would guess is the reason why it's not showing up right away (because it doesn't exist yet), need to figure out how to trigger it from this card.

Update 2:
The more-info-light.ts seems to invoke showLightColorPickerView when the popup is opened, which loads the content, now the question just is how to do that in the card.

unfortunately, there's too many break changes at this point to support this card. would need a good rewrite that i dont have the time for

I noticed that if you open the details for a light and then use the color wheel there it will temporarily fix this card. Looks like it works after something else loads the color wheel on the page.

Any news on this?

try v6.0.0

Great 🥳 Thank you!

Thank you!! One issue, though– the color wheel no longer resizes to the card 😬

6.0.0 is working better but does not show up if "Consolidate Entities" is off and a group is selected.

Thank you for the update!

Thanks for the update @ljmerza

Thank you!! One issue, though– the color wheel no longer resizes to the card 😬

fixed in 6.0.1

6.0.0 is working better but does not show up if "Consolidate Entities" is off and a group is selected

should be fixed in v6.0.2


Thank you @ljmerza 🥳🥳
I'm getting a weird issue where colour changes to a group causes the lights to get "stuck" for a while - seems like the Hue bridge gets overloaded with commands or something? Even if I turn the lights off in HA they remain on and don't seem to turn off until 15/20 seconds later.

The built in colour wheel doesn't exhibit this issue.

Thank you!! One issue, though– the color wheel no longer resizes to the card 😬

fixed in 6.0.1

Hmm... Still having the same issue. Here is my code, if that's helpful:

type: vertical-stack
title: Lights
  - square: false
    columns: 2
    type: grid
      - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - shorten_cards: true
            consolidate_entities: false
            child_card: false
            hide_header: false
            header: ''
            color_wheel: true
            persist_features: true
            brightness: true
            color_temp: false
            white_value: false
            color_picker: true
            speed: false
            intensity: false
            force_features: true
            show_slider_percent: true
            full_width_sliders: true
            brightness_icon: weather-sunny
            white_icon: file-word-box
            temperature_icon: thermometer
            speed_icon: speedometer
            intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
            smooth_color_wheel: false
            type: custom:light-entity-card
            entity: light.hearth_lamp
            effects_list: false

Thank you!! One issue, though– the color wheel no longer resizes to the card 😬

fixed in 6.0.1

Hmm... Still having the same issue. Here is my code, if that's helpful:

okay i see what i did. fixed in v6.0.3

Fixed here! Thank you!!

Ah... I'm still having the consolidated entities bug in 6.0.3. No color wheel if group selected. Thanks again!

Ah... I'm still having the consolidated entities bug in 6.0.3. No color wheel if group selected. Thanks again!

okay try 6.0.4

Seriously- thank you for maintaining this repository through the HA 2023 update. I'm sure it's been a headache solving all of these little bugs.

The group colorwheel now displays, but I found two issues pertaining to updating values both in group and group member entities:

  • I'm guessing, but it looks like when the card tries to update its slider to reflect changes in brightness, it creates a feedback loop, and the slider goes haywire. I have both the group and the group members displayed on the dashboard in separate light-entity cards with a colorwheel and brightness slider. Changing either the group or its members' sliders causes this behavior, but regular non-group/member entities do not have this behavior.
  • The color wheel doesn't update with the current color when changed outside of the card.

Apologies for raising more issues, and thanks for your work on this! It is greatly appreciated!

Seriously- thank you for maintaining this repository through the HA 2023 update. I'm sure it's been a headache solving all of these little bugs.

The group colorwheel now displays, but I found two issues pertaining to updating values both in group and group member entities:

  • I'm guessing, but it looks like when the card tries to update its slider to reflect changes in brightness, it creates a feedback loop, and the slider goes haywire. I have both the group and the group members displayed on the dashboard in separate light-entity cards with a colorwheel and brightness slider. Changing either the group or its members' sliders causes this behavior, but regular non-group/member entities do not have this behavior.
  • The color wheel doesn't update with the current color when changed outside of the card.

Apologies for raising more issues, and thanks for your work on this! It is greatly appreciated!

okay both of these should be solved in 6.0.6

Thanks! Looks like everything works!

Doesn't work in my setup...all updated to latest

Same for me.

Changing my dashboard broke it. Updated it to the latest version, re-added it but all no luck.

lets open a new issue with more details