livebook-dev / kino

Client-driven interactive widgets for Livebook

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Adding kino as a dependency to project "breaks" dbg/2

teamon opened this issue · comments

I've been using livebook connected to a remote live app. In order to get access to kino I've added it as a dependency in mix.exs. After doing that, I've lost output from dbg/2 calls, both in development and in test.

Is this expected behaviour?
If so, should there be some warning about it?

I've figured this is due to kino doing this:

Application.put_env(:elixir, :dbg_callback, {Kino.Debug, :dbg, []})

Yeah, maybe we should detect if we are inside Livebook before doing this? Any suggestion on how to do this detection @jonatanklosko? We could check for a module... but iirc they are all private? Alternatively we could use an env var.

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