liuruoze / mini-AlphaStar

(JAIR'2022) A mini-scale reproduction code of the AlphaStar program. Note: the original AlphaStar is the AI proposed by DeepMind to play StarCraft II. JAIR = Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.

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Multi node training

agi1512 opened this issue · comments


Do you plan to make it possible to train agent on multiple nodes? I mean on computers that are divided by network. Maybe in form of a league like in original DeepMind paper

Hi, due to that we don't have multi machines at now, we will not try them now. However, we will try to start multi processes to train a league in one single common machine. This may be the feature of the next several versions.

Hi, if there are no problems now, I will close this issue. If you find your problems are not solved, you can re-open this issue at any time.