liuhuapiaoyuan / fingerproxy

Fingerproxy is an HTTPS reverse proxy. It creates JA3, JA4, Akamai HTTP2 fingerprints, and forwards to backend via HTTP request headers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Inspired by gospider007/fp. Fingerproxy is an HTTPS reverse proxy. It creates JA3, JA4, Akamai HTTP2 fingerprints, and forwards to backend via HTTP request headers.

         TLS                            HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2
Client ------>   Fingerproxy    ------------------------------------>  HTTP Backend
                (listens :443)    | With request headers:        |    (
                                  | X-JA3-Fingerprint: abcd...   |
                                  | X-JA4-Fingerprint: t13d...   |
                                  | X-HTTP2-Fingerprint: 3:100...|

Fingerprints can be used for bot detection, DDoS mitigation, client identification, etc. To use these fingerprints, just get HTTP request headers in your backend apps.

Fingerproxy is also a Go library, allows you implementing your own fingerprinting algorithm.



Try fingerproxy in one minute:

Fingerproxy binary is available in GitHub releases:

# Generate fake certificates tls.crt and tls.key
openssl req -x509 -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:secp384r1 -days 3650 \
  -nodes -keyout tls.key -out tls.crt -subj "/CN=localhost" \
  -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:*.localhost,IP:"

# TLS server listens on :8443, forwarding requests to httpbin
./fingerproxy -listen-addr :8443 -forward-url

# Then test in another terminal
curl "https://localhost:8443/anything?show_env=1" --insecure

Fingerprints are in the HTTP request headers:

  "headers": {
    # ...
    "X-Forwarded-Host": "localhost:8443",
    "X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
    "X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
    "X-Http2-Fingerprint": "3:100;4:10485760;2:0|1048510465|0|m,s,a,p",
    "X-Ja3-Fingerprint": "0149f47eabf9a20d0893e2a44e5a6323",
    "X-Ja4-Fingerprint": "t13d3112h2_e8f1e7e78f70_6bebaf5329ac"
  # ...

Fingerproxy supports Kubernetes liveness probe and Prometheus metrics. For the complete CLI options, see fingerproxy --help.

Implement Your Fingerprinting Algorithm

Check out the example customize-fingerprint. No code fork needed.

Use as a Library

Fingerproxy is degigned to be highly customizable. It's separated into serveral packages. Import them if you'd like to build your own fingerprinting server.

  • proxyserver listens and accepts TLS connections. It captures data that is required for fingerprinting, for example, ClientHello and certain HTTP2 frames, then stores them into metadata.
  • metadata is a struct that stores data captured by proxyserver and will be used by fingerprint.
  • fingerprint parses metadata and calculate the JA3, JA4, HTTP2 fingerprints, etc. It also implement a header_injector from reverseproxy, which allows passing fingerprints to the forwarding requests.
  • reverseproxy forwards the requests to backends. It accepts header_injectors to add request headers to the forwarding request to downstream.

A few special packages also included:

  • ja4 implements JA4 algorithm based on utls.
  • hack includes wraps and hacks of golang net stack.
  • http2 is a fork of standard http2 package in x/net. Fingerproxy syncs upstream using ./ Follow and sync upstream whenever you want.

For example, use proxyserver and fingerprint packages to create an echo server. It simply outputs fingerprinting results. The full code is in example/echo-server/.

Similar Projects

Great implementation based on golang net stack, works nice with golang HTTP handler. Fingerproxy rewrites TLS ClientHello capturing according to it.

Why not just use it?

  • The JA3 and JA4 implementations contain bugs. For example,
    • In fp.go, _ should be used instead of , as the separator of extensions and signature algorithms.
    • In fp.go, the protocol version in ClientHello handshake should be used for JA3.
    • In ja3.go, ; should be used instead of , as the parameters separator in HTTP2 settings frame.
    • Priority frame used in HTTP2 fingerprinting has not implemented yet.
  • KISS
    • JA4H can be calculated in backend applications. Do not do it in the reverse proxy.
    • Complex design, unused methods, and copy-pastes from unknown source.


Relies on gospider007/fp.

An HTTPS echo server that responds the fingerprints.

Why not just use it?

  • It is not designed for forwarding the requests.
  • Bugs too. In ja4.go, the padding extension (21) somehow has preserved. Therefore there would be two duplicated 21 extension which is incorrect.

Useful Websites



Fingerproxy is an HTTPS reverse proxy. It creates JA3, JA4, Akamai HTTP2 fingerprints, and forwards to backend via HTTP request headers.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 99.7%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.1%