liuchengxu / vista.vim

:cactus: Viewer & Finder for LSP symbols and tags

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Vista does not work on MacVim

ubaldot opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When opening Vista the sidebar opens but it is empty.
Furthermore, I cannot see anything on the status line (I am using vim-airline).


  • OS: macOs Ventura
  • Vim/Neovim version: Vim 9.0
  • This plugin version: 33774af
  • I'm using universal-ctags: I don't have any tags as I am using LSP.
  • I'm using some LSP client:
    • Related Vim LSP client: ALE
    • The Vim LSP client version: 3.2.0
    • Have you tried updated to the latest version of this LSP client: Yes

Vista info

Current FileType: python

Avaliable Executives: ['ale', 'ctags']
Global Variables:
let g:vista = {'winnr': function('269'), 'tree': {}, 'source': {'fpath': '/Users/ubaldot/Documents/github/dymoval/src/dymoval/', 'bufnr': 1, 'get_winid': function('273'), 'fname': 'src/dymoval/', 'winnr': 1, 'extension': function('278'), 'line': function('276'), 'get_winnr': function('272'), 'filetype': function('274'), 'lines': function('275'), 'winid': 1000, 'line_trimmed': function('277'), 'scope_seperator': function('279')}, 'without_scope': [], 'lnum': 1, 'get_tagline_under_cursor': function('271'), 'provider': 'ctags', 'with_scope': [], 'functions': [], 'raw': [], 'kinds': [], 'ctags_cmd': 'ctags --format=2 --excmd=pattern --fields=+nksSaf --extras=+F --sort=no --append=no --extras= --language-force=python --python-kinds=cvfim -f- /var/folders/m1/bmnznpdx31v2_lcjnf0nmc3m0000gn/T/', 'raw_by_kind': {}, 'tmps': ['/var/folders/m1/bmnznpdx31v2_lcjnf0nmc3m0000gn/T/2611b1f6b8dffe4d25e98a709fe2f0bee4a12a2e19af28ecaa2aae766f6e5c26', '/var/folders/m1/bmnznpdx31v2_lcjnf0nmc3m0000gn/T/', '/var/folders/m1/bmnznpdx31v2_lcjnf0nmc3m0000gn/T/', '/var/folders/m1/bmnznpdx31v2_lcjnf0nmc3m0000gn/T/'], 'pos': [{'lnum': 1, 'leftcol': 0, 'col': 0, 'topfill': 0, 'topline': 1, 'coladd': 0, 'skipcol': 0, 'curswant': 0}, 2, ':1resize 35|vert :1resize 110|:2resize 35|vert :2resize 30|:1resize 35|vert :1resize 110|:2resize 35|vert :2resize 30|'], 'popup_visible': v:false, 'floating_visible': v:false, 'winid': 1002}
let g:vista#executive#ctags#support_json_format = 0
let g:vista#executives = ['ale', 'coc', 'ctags', 'lcn', 'nvim_lsp', 'vim_lsc', 'vim_lsp']
let g:vista#extensions = ['markdown', 'rst']
let g:vista#finders = ['clap', 'fzf', 'skim']
let g:vista#renderer#ctags = 'default'
let g:vista#renderer#default#vlnum_offset = 3
let g:vista#renderer#enable_icon = 1
let g:vista#renderer#enable_kind = 0
let g:vista#renderer#icons = {'subroutine': '羚', 'method': '', 'func': '', 'variables': '', 'constructor': '略', 'field': '', 'interface': '', 'type': '', 'packages': '', 'property': '襁', 'implementation': '', 'default': '', 'augroup': 'פּ', 'macro': '', 'enumerator': '', 'const': '', 'macros': '', 'map': 'פּ', 'fields': '', 'functions': '', 'enum': '', 'function': '', 'target': '', 'typedef': '', 'namespace': '', 'enummember': '', 'variable': '', 'modules': '', 'constant': '', 'struct': '', 'types': '', 'module': '', 'typeParameter': '', 'package': '', 'class': '', 'member': '', 'var': '', 'union': '鬒'}
let g:vista_blink = [2, 100]
let g:vista_close_on_fzf_select = 0
let g:vista_close_on_jump = 0
let g:vista_cursor_delay = 400
let g:vista_default_executive = 'ctags'
let g:vista_disable_statusline = 0
let g:vista_echo_cursor = 1
let g:vista_enable_centering_jump = 1
let g:vista_executive_for = {}
let g:vista_find_absolute_nearest_method_or_function = 0
let g:vista_find_nearest_method_or_function_delay = 300
let g:vista_floating_border = 'none'
let g:vista_fold_toggle_icons = ['▼', '▶']
let g:vista_fzf_preview = []
let g:vista_icon_indent = ['└ ', '│ ']
let g:vista_ignore_kinds = []
let g:vista_no_mappings = 0
let g:vista_sidebar_position = 'vertical botright'
let g:vista_sidebar_width = 30
let g:vista_stay_on_open = 1
let g:vista_top_level_blink = [2, 100]
let g:vista_update_on_text_changed = 0
let g:vista_update_on_text_changed_delay = 500

Run :Vista from the command line

Expected behavior
I expected to see all my file structure

Actual behavior
The sidebar is empty

Screenshot or gif (if possible)

UPDATE: I just discovered that I either need a ctags file or I can rely on ALE. However, the layout when using ALE is not really nice (and due to that not very useful).
