liuchengxu / vista.vim

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Option to show or hide the textual description of the symbol kind in lsp renderer

emarbo opened this issue Β· comments

Hi! Thank you for this great plugin πŸ‘

I have recently enabled the icons (g:vista#renderer#enable_icon) and configured them properly to work with my font but now I see the kind information duplicated by the icon and the textual description:


It would be great to disable the textual description as it's more verbose and redundant. If I'm right, there's no option yet for doing so.

I think the best solution is to add a new flag g:vista#renderer#enable_kind that defaults to 1 for backwards compatibility. As far as I know, modifying this function should do the trick for the CoC:

function! s:IntoLSPHirRow(row) abort
let icon = vista#renderer#IconFor(a:row.kind).' '
let indented = repeat(' ', a:row.level * s:indent_size).icon.a:row.text.' '.a:row.kind
let lnum = ':'.a:row.lnum
return indented.lnum

And these lines for the ctags:

function! s:Assemble(line, depth) abort
let line = a:line
let kind = get(line, 'kind', '')
let row = vista#util#Join(
\ repeat(' ', a:depth * s:indent_size),
\ s:GetVisibility(line),
\ vista#renderer#IconFor(kind).' ',
\ get(line, 'name'),
\ get(line, 'signature', ''),
\ ' '.kind,
\ ':'.get(line, 'line', '')
\ )
return row

If you think this flag worths it, let me know and I can prepare a PR in the next days.

Please go ahead, it's ok with me.