liu-zhy / temporal-adaptive-module

TAM: Temporal Adaptive Module for Video Recognition

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

swapping labels for training data of Something-something v2

wlin-at opened this issue · comments

Hi Zhaoyang,

thanks for sharing the nice implementations!
I have a question regarding the data processing of Something-something v2.
I notice that for data on Something-something v2, you hard code label_transforms to swap the labels for 3 groups of classes: 86 and 87, 93 and 94, 166 and 167 (line 458 in ops/ However this is only done for training, not for validation or test. I wonder if this means that there are errors in the annotation of training data of Something-something v2.

Looking forward to your reply and thanks for the efforts.



I just realize why this is done.
GroupRandomHorizontalFlip, once performed, changes the label of action from "left to right" to "right to left".
Sorry for the misunderstanding.